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I woke up to the sound of Clarke's quiet sobs, opening my eyes to her head resting on my chest and feeling her hand holding mine. The brightness of the world hurt my head and I quickly closed my eyes again. I don't know how long I had been out for, but my body felt like it had been in bed for weeks. Clarke sniffled on my chest, not noticing that I had come to. I squeezed her hand, only lightly as I wasn't able to use any strength.

"Jamie?" Clarke gasped at my grasp, but I was too tired to lift my eyelids and look at her.

I hummed lowly in response, my voice not seeming to work. Clarke stroked my face, cupping my cheek in her hand. The more aware I became, the harder my head pounded, the skin near my gash feeling fiery and angry.

"I'm sorry" Clarke breathed and I felt her tears fall on me as she stroked my face, distracting me from some of the pain.

I wanted so badly to answer her, to reach out and comfort her, but my body wouldn't listen to my mind and it stayed still, unable to move.

Clarke's POV:

I looked down at Jamie, my heart breaking at the sight of her. Her face had become swollen around her eyes and forehead as the blood rushed to her wound, trying to heal her. Her skin was slightly purple and tinged brown. I had wrapped her head up with multiple strips of cloth, having to clean and dry them multiple times in a day to keep them clean. I longed for the proper equipment to treat her but all I could do was keep her gash covered and hope it didn't get infected. She had been asleep now for ten days. I waited by the bed throughout the day, only ever leaving to get water from the river or to keep the fire going. I hadn't eaten or slept. The little girl in front of me had trusted me and I had let her down. Though she wouldn't open up to me about her past too much, I knew how hard it was for her to trust me and the first chance I got I broke it. If she didn't wake up, it was my fault. I failed her. I rested my head on her chest, her heartbeat assuring me that she wasn't going anywhere for the time being.

I barely had any tears left to cry as I sobbed. I thought about all the progress I had made with her, knowing it would be gone if and when she woke up. After all it seemed she had been through, I was surprised she had let me in. We had grown so close so fast. She may have been trained to be a warrior, but she was the sweetest little girl ever. She thought I didn't know, but I noticed the little things she did, like humming a little tune to herself when we walked through the woods, or the way she always kissed me on the cheek in the morning when she thought I was still asleep.

She was little but fierce. It was clear that she had been accustomed to living on her own but the way she had begun to rely on me for little things gave me a sense of purpose and her trust in me melted me. I loved her like my own child, oftentimes staying up at night and just watching her sleep. It seemed like she was fighting with herself in her sleep sometimes. Sometimes she would begin whimpering and twitching in her sleep, oftentime waking up in a fit of fear and pain. I had begun comforting her when these nightmares started, hugging her and rocking her back to sleep before any fear could reach her.

Now, as I laid my head on her chest, I began to lose hope. I sobbed, clinging onto her cold hands, willing her body to wake up when her little hand squeezed mine, so lightly I almost missed it.

"Jamie" I gasped in disbelief.

She only hummed in response, her eyes staying closed. That was to be expected, head injuries took the longest to heal and they typically exhausted the injured person's bodies. I cupped her cheek with my hand, letting her know I heard her.

"I'm sorry" I breathed, trying to keep back my tears unsuccessfully.

They fell on her as I just stroked her face, grateful beyond measures to know she would pull through. I sat with her for the rest of the afternoon, rubbing her hands and telling her some of her favorite stories about my friends. She was always so interested in them and the stories I had to tell her. She especially liked Octavia, even more so since she had found out about Lincoln. My heart had ached for her that night, I had had no idea she had known him. But, just like her, I had some things I wasn't quite ready to tell her about it, like the seven of my friends who had gone up back to the Ark; Bellamy, Monty, Harper, Raven, Murphy, Emori, and Echo. I didn't blame them at all for what had happened and I was happy they had gotten there safe but I couldn't help but wish I had made it. A lot of that changed when I found Jamie, but I still missed them everyday. Tonight, however, I was ready to tell her about it, I figured I owed her a good story after what I had put her through.

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