Shallow Valley

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I leaned against the wall to watch as Octavia left the room with the woman who had come to get her. I watched in awe as she strongly pushed through her pain to walk through the camp. I noticed that a lot of people refused to look at her as she walked through them, probably because they had been defeated in the wasteland. She walked through like a commander, demanding respect as she seemed to look down on everyone. Clarke was right. She had changed in the bunker. I still admired her but I realized that she was not the same person I had idolized in all of Clarke's stories for the past six years. She had an edge to her now and something about her presence seemed to put everyone on edge, myself included. I may have been almost starstruck when she spoke to me, but she made me uneasy and I believed Clarke when she said I couldn't tell her that I was a natblida.

"You were right" I said to Clarke, "she changed."

Clarke came over and put her arm over my shoulders, pulling me into a side hug.

"We all have Jame," she said reassuringly, noticing that I was a little let down at how Octavia seemed.

"Not like her," I said shaking my head, walking towards the door to watch as Bellamy and Echo approached.

I drew in a deep breath. This would not be good. Echo was banished for trying to cheat and kill Octavia in the conclave and even though I was mad at her, I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. I trusted Bellamy to protect her but the way Octavia was acting put me on edge. I wasn't sure if even Bellamy could influence her now. It began raining as Bellamy called out to Octavia, getting her attention.

"Glad to see you back on your feet" he said, then motioning to Echo, "she tried to get in to see you but they wouldn't let her--"

"What is she doing here?" Octavia interrupted him.

Echo cleared her throat and straightened herself up before speaking.

"I just wanted to thank you for saving my people," she said calmly, trying not to provoke Octavia.

"Azgeda is a memory" Octavia nearly spat, "there is only Wonkru, and there is no place in it for you."

"I know you two have history, but Echo is on our side. She proved herself dozens of times on the Ring" Bellamy cut in, trying to take control of the situation.

I could tell Echo was getting mad but trying to keep her cool. Her shoulders were rising up and down as she took deep breaths. She always did that when she was angry. I could also tell that Octavia's words hurt her. I understood what she felt like. When people judged you for the person you were and not the person you are. It was infuriating. I noticed that I had slowly begun walking out of the room and closer to the situation but I didn't stop myself.

"This isn't the ring" Octavia responded threateningly.

"Wonkru! I banished this murderer from the bunker six years ago" Octavia called out now to the whole camp, "My judgement still stands. She has 24 hours. If she's still here by then--"

Suddenly, I felt myself run between Octaiva and Echo, shielding Echo and holding a hand up to Octavia.

"Wait!" I cried out, standing up straight and looking right up at Octavia, "please, let her stay," I finished, holding my ground and standing only inches from Octavia.

She looked down at me, belittling me with her stare but I didn't ever give up my position, almost challenging her to a stand off. She raised her eyebrows and smirked a little, looking from me to Echo. The camp had all turned their attention to us now. I felt their eyes burning into me and I heard Clarke let out a small gasp at my actions. I knew I would hear it from her tonight but I didn't care.

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