Prologue Arc Part 2: Plain Déjà Vu

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Darkness. That's all that surrounded me. It was a strange feeling, but, even stranger, it was comforting, oddly enough. I'm not sure why, but I wasn't bothered by this unknown void I had found myself in. I felt as if I could stay here forever, embracing the darkness and the security it offered. I didn't know why or how, but I knew when the darkness faded away, that I would enter a twisted, horrid world, full of deceit, madness, and despair.

I grasped at the darkness, trying my best to hold it tight, yet my efforts proved to be in vain when that darkness, peaceful and serene, was torn from my hold. I was falling. I was dying. I was living. Was I living? Did I even exist? None of that really mattered as I slowly opened my eyes. I existed now, and this was the hell I was thrown into.

Soon, I had managed to fully open my eyes, much to my dismay, but what greeted me was unexpected. It was more darkness. Of course, this darkness wasn't nearly as comforting as the one that came before it, but I couldn't let that get to me. And that's when I noticed something worrying: I was in a very enclosed space. I couldn't even move my arms a few inches before hitting cold metal walls that cornered me from all sides.

I managed to turn and see 3 slits along one of the walls, warm light pouring in from the other side. I suppose the sight of freedom was what finally got me to fight against my confinement. After struggling against the wall for a bit, I leaned back and managed to kick the wall, which was actually a door, open, almost sending it off its hinges.

The light was blinding, but only for a moment. Once my eyes adjusted, I noticed how I was in a classroom, though "classroom" is putting it lightly. The room was in a great state of disrepair. Vines and grass ran rampant across the room, and the desks and chairs all had a light level of rust and decay on them. There were also metal bars blocking the windows as well, though I couldn't imagine what they were for. Taking a step out of the cold metal prison and stepping out onto the wet, dew-covered grass, I spun around, taking it all in.

I now know what I was trapped in: a locker, but that didn't really ease my tensions. Where the heck am I? This could be a classroom if it didn't look as if it had been ignored for decades. Could this be a school or at least an abandoned school? I then noticed a few more lockers next to the one I was in. Could there be...? I slowly opened each but was met with nothing but empty space. Disappointing, to say the least. Was I actually alone, or were there other people around the area? Should I explore to make sure?

I was just about to do just that when I suddenly felt a chill up my spine. I looked around the room again. This feeling... is it deja vu? Have I... been here before. Just as I thought that, pain shot through my head as memories and thoughts raced into my brain. I fell to my knees and screamed as the pain intensified. Soon, the pain stopped suddenly, and I remembered.

I was brought to this place by unknown means with 16 other people, high schoolers, and were told by 5 walking, talking teddy bears that we were about to participate in a Killing Game.

How could I forget!? Of all the things I could forget, how could I add that to the list? I've already forgotten 90% of my life, the least my brain could do was not forget that important piece of information!

Or perhaps it wasn't my fault. Could it be that flashlight thing those kubs used? What did they call it? A flashback light? Did it alter our memories? Well, jokes on them! I still remember! Well, remember everything from after I woke up. Still couldn't remember a single personal memory to save my life. Urg... of course.

"Rise and shine, ursine!" Suddenly, out of literally nowhere, all of the Monokubs jumped up from behind me.

"Aaaaaaahhhh!" I screamed as I jumped backward, tripping against one of the desks and collapsing against even more desks. Great...

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