And when had Adam started dressing like his father?

That wasn't a change that he had noticed until now.

He turned back towards the door.

"Where are you going!"

"To change!"

A hand grabbed him by the shoulder, "No time. We might be late, and you wouldn't want to leave our daughter waiting?"

Adam took a deep, long suffering breath, but turned back around. No, he didn't want to leave Eris waiting. The girl had been so nervously sweet when she had called to talk about her birthday, or the day she and his own mother had chosen as her replacement birthday since they weren't exactly sure of the date constituted as her birthday, the day she had grown to full maturity inside the test tube, or the day she had been let out of the test tube, or the day that she had actually become her own person.

It was hard to tell.

So they had chosen a new day entirely, and she had called Adam and Conn to ask a favor. She didn't want much for her birthday she said, and she understood if they were too busy to come, but what she really really wanted.... And again they could say no, she completely understood.

Was to spend a day with her parents.

Now she hadn't really phrased it like that as to not sound weird, but both Adam and Conn had known what she meant.

Conn had been super excited about it, thinking it was a great idea and promising that they would 'of course' be there. Adam for his part would have walked through fire for Eris, so a day spent stuck with Conn was probably a small price to pay.

A day spent with the two people in the universe who could read his mind.

Well, it did make things complicated.

But its not like he was going to say no to her.

"Did you remember her gift?" he asked Conn, and the alien produced A set of finely wrapped boxes, "Since her other dad was busy with work, I took the opportunity to wrap them." He handed a box to Adam, "You're welcome."

Adam had to admit that the wrapping job Conn had done was pretty good. He should certainly have been one of Santa's elves is Santa was in the habit of employing , but ugly aliens.

"Which one is this?"

"You got the necklace and the candies, I am giving her the hat."

Adam nodded once and tucked the gift under his arm as they headed for the docking bay where they would be able to step out into the lunar terminal. Adam had wanted to bring Sunny around to his place for a day or two, just the two of them , but circumstances had sort of nerfed that plan. Narobi was passing up the hall to their right and raised an eyebrow at them as they passed, 'Matching outfits? Cute."

Adam made a face, "Not my idea."

She grinned, "Sure it wasn't."

She was gone before he could protest, and he had to deal with several other sarcastic comments before making it out into the lunar terminal and then down onto his private shuttle which he paid a monthly fee to keep in the lunar hanger.

The payout from the Steel Eye litigation had been huge, and there were some perks to his life that came with a large sum of money.

Money which he was mostly squirreling away for Eris.

Conn and Sunny were the only ones who knew about that little fact, even though he tried not to think about it too often since Conn was sure to say something.

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now