Ch. 53

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Skip to that Sunday because I'm lazy 🤪✌

Hyunjin POV

When I got to the house late and realized that my friends had saved me a spot on the couch I was originally glad.

That meant I wasn't stuck sitting on the cold hard floor were Seungmin belongs, but then I got a closer look.

That spot was suspiciously close to Jeongin. No not suspiciously close, it was just right beside him.

Like, super close. Like really close. Like, if I reached my finger out far enough I could touch your beautiful silky soft skin kind of close.

Reluctantly I sat down there even though my heart was beating though my god damn fucking chest.

If I didn't sit in the spot that they saved for me Jeongin would think that I just didn't want to sit next to him.

And while this is true, it definitely would not be for the reasons that he would think it was for.

I simply didn't want a beating heart, sweaty palms, and butterflies in my stomach as I tried to enjoy myself.

Yes, I really liked Jeongin, but sometimes I just really hate facing my own feelings. That's kinda why I'm so mea-- sorry, sarcastic, sometimes.

When I sat down I gave Felix, Minho and Seungmin a slight glare so they knew that I knew what they'd done.

When they saw they snickered a bit and laughed at me while I sat there uncomfortably next to the most amazing person ever.

He didn't even pay any mind to me, just went on talking to everyone about anything they were having a conversation about.

This leads me to believe that maybe I shouldn't ask him out. He barely noticed that I sat down.

He wasn't showing any behavior that maybe he liked me and I was starting to second guess my choices.

When I worked up enough courage I did that thing where you put your arm on the back of the couch behind their head.

He glanced at me as I did it but he gave no objections so I took I as a win and kept like that.

I tried so hard to keep my cool while I sat next to him but whenever he personally asked me a question or engaged me I would choke up and stutter.

Whenever that happened I would look over to see Seungmin snickering with Minho about it.

However, Jeongin would just kind of giggle when I stuttered and even though that meant he noticed it, I took it as another win.

I made him laugh. That's how I thought about it, might be an embarrassment to me, but he laughed.

At least Jeongin got some joy out of my complete and utter incompetence to talk properly around him.

"Sorry, I think you need to use that bathroom." I said getting up from my place beside Jeongin.

"Yeah sure." Minho said. I had been to his house many times by now so he knew how to navigate it.

I got up and made my way over to the hallway where the bathroom was located the first door on the left.

When I had successfully locked the door behind myself I started to give a little pep talk to anyone listening.

"You can, do it. What's the worst that could happen? You get rejected? Pfft. I don't get rejected, and if I do, I can just go fuck the pain away with random hook-ups. What's that? I could ruin our friendship and tear that whole group apart..?" I paused.

I could tear the whole group apart.. maybe it wasn't such a good idea to date my friend.. but I did it with Changbin.

That was still us as friends though, we just happened to have sex. Felix Felix Chan are doing it, and so are Minho and Jisung.

I always see Jisung running around being all cuddly with Minho, and Felix and Chan have less PDA, but they still show it sometimes.

Look, I had no idea how to communicate. None. Nothing. How was I going to get in a relationship?

Okay, this was pointless, I'm gonna do it, I'm just going to go ask him to talk with my somewhere private spill the news and when he rejects me so be it.

I left the bathroom in a hurry and tapped Jeongin on the shoulder, "Could I speak to you.. uhm.. privately."

"Uh, yeah sure." He stood up. As he did I realized that literally everyone was staring at us.

I swear to God if Seungmin told everyone else about this I'm going to beat his ass-

"Hyunjin?" Jeongin hot my attention as he started to walk away and realized I wasn't with him.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I walked ahead of him and lead him out the back door into the patio and onto the grass of the backyard.

This way, no one could see us out the windows of the house.

"What did you need to talk about..?" Jeongin seemed nervous, but I swear to God, not as nervous as me.

"Right.." I took a deep breath, "let me start off by saying of you don't feel the same way I completely get it and I am prepared to never talk to you again if you dont want me too."

"Uhm.. okay.." he said in a small anxious voice.

"Yeah, uh.." I muttered, "here we go.." I gave a hard blink to reset my mind and started with my confession.

"I really think you're and amazing person Jeongin and I've started to like you even more over the past weeks, like, more than friends. I wanted to see if maybe, just maybe, you felt the same way. I.. I like you.." I paused, "But 8f you don't feel the same way you don't have to be pressured to I completely get it, I can be a lot to deal with sometimes--"

To say that I was surprised when Jeongin cut me off by pulling me into a kiss is a little bit of an understatement.

He put his hands on my cheeks and pulled me closer, for a moment I was in too much shock to do anything back but hat quickly faded.

I put my hands on his waist and kissed back with all the same energy he was giving me.

When we pulled away I started at him in awe, "So is that a yes..?" I asked.

He nodded, "Not sure what else that would be." He smiled.

I couldn't help but smile aswell and pull him into a tight hug. He grasped me back and I just held him like that for a moment.

"I'm so glad I don't have to go home early.." I whispered.

"Me too. I would miss you." He giggled.

Was this actually happening..?

1169 words

Hey hey hey, this is my last say of school. Yaaayayayayayayayayayay.

We get bubble tea as a parting gift >:)

Stay safe, wear a mask and I love you ♥️

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