Ch. 7

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Chan POV

While I sat there on the couch texting Felix I heard something upstairs. It sounded like a big thump.

I asked Felix to give me a moment, he said sure, and I went to go check things out.

Maybe Dae had dropped something, but he should be sleeping, it was around 12 in the morning.

I crept up the stairs and through the hallway. When I peeked into Daehyun's room, he was laying on the floor beside his bed.

I sighed seeing the covers slowly slipping off the bed into a heap beside the sleeping boy.

I guess he had fallen off his bed in the middle of the night. I walked over to him and scooped up his small figure carefully.

Placing him on the mattress I covered him in his blanket and neared down about to give him a kiss on the forhead.

I reached over and wiped something up. It was warm and a dark colour in a droplet from his forhead.

I rushed to turn the lights on to get a better look. Dae groaned as he woke up from his slumber.

My theory was confirmed. There was a line of blood oozing from his head. "Oh shit-" I rushed back to his side.

"What? Is something wrong?" He sat up to get a batter look around still squinting from the light.

"We have to go to the hospital- Oh god-" I started to panic. What was I supposed to grab?

"What why? Dad what going on?" He seemed worried hearing the news.

"Uhm- you fell off your bed so I came in to check on you- and you cracked your head open-"

"What?! Dad-" he felt his forhead and wiped some of the blood. His eyes widened and he started to cry.

"No, no, it's okay. Your gonna go get fixed up and everything will be fine- I should call Jisung." I grabbed my phone out and dialed his number.

I waited a few rings while I went to go grab a wet cloth to put on Daehyun's head.

"Hello?" Hans groggy voice fell through the line. "Chan it's midnight. What could you want?"

"I- Dae fell of his bed and cracked his head open-" I tried tried explain while holding the phone with my shoulder to use my hands for the cloth.

"Oh shit!" He seemed much more awake after this. "Try to stop the bleeding with something like a cloth and get to the fucking ER. I'll meet you there."

"Ok-" my breathing was heavy. I should have been more careful.

"It's not your fault Chan. Just stay on the line and keep him calm." I heard background noise of a door opening and closing from Jisung.

"Alright." I ran back into the room to find Dae packing a backpack while he sobbed.

"Awe baby." I pulled him into a hug and placed the cloth on his head. "You're gonna be fine. You should be out by the morning."

"I need water and stuff and clothes and-" he was talking so fast that I could barely hear him.

"No, I can get someone like Changbin to come over and grab that stuff. We just need to go get you checked out." I helped him stand up and guided him down to put some shoes and a coat on.

He was wearing sweat pants and one of my old hoodies. A normal sleeping attire for him.

When everything was said and done, we got in the car and started to drive. I tried to go as fast as possible, but there was a weird amount of traffic.

I sighed trying to keep my composure. I felt like crying but if I did I would just make Daehyun more upset than ever.

"I'm sorry." He said softly still holding the cloth to his head.

"No buddy. Don't be. You have such little control while you sleep. I should have put carpet in your room instead of hardwood."

. . .

When we walked in through the big doors with the words 'Emergency Room' written over the top I was greeted with a very awake Jisung.

I had called him because he was practicing medicine in school and had figured he might know what to do.

"Okay, go sign in, the wait might be something like 5 hours." He explained and took Daehyun's hand.

"Lets go find a seat buddy." And we walked in our separate ways.

I made my way up to the desk station. "Hi, what brings you in today." The lady asked still typing.

"My son cracked his head open. I think it's kind of a small fracture though. Not much blood." I explained.

"Alright. I'm gonna need you and your sons ID." Thank fucking God I remembered the passports.

. . .

After checking in and about a 3 1/2 hour wait Dae had been taken to go get looked at. I was the most glad I've ever been that the ER wasn't packed full.

If this had happened during some sort of  pandemic we may have been screwed.

I rested my face in the palms of my hands and took a deep breath. This was kinda my fault. I should have taken this into consideration when I designed his room.

If the floors were carpet it may have cushioned the fall, but no. My dumb ass just had to make them hard wood.

Why the fuck would I do that? That's so stupid.

"Hey, Chan it's really not your fault. Shit happens." Changbin had showed up with supplies like snacks and what not about and hour ago.

"He's right. Don't put this on yourself. You're a great dad and everyone knows it, including Daehyun." Jisung agreed.

It was something like 4am and I felt tired, hungry, anxious, stressed and over all just exhausted.

I was gonna be here for even longer to get my baby home. There was no way I would leave without him.

"Thanks." I said with a sigh. "I just want to go see him... I wanna make sure he's ok."

"He should be fine Chan. It looked like a hairline crack. You can't really get much extensive damage from that." Jisung rubbed my back.

"Mhmm..." I just had to go make sure he was okay. I didn't care how small the injury was, he's hurt and I want to be there.

I just need him to he happy. Dae-Shin would have been able to do that.

And so it happened. I stayed and slept at the hospital for the remainder of the night, and by the time 12 o'clock rolled around I was driving him home.

I wanted to take a nap so badly, but at the same time, I wasn't leaving this boys side. Whatever he needed I was gonna be there.

1175 words

Hey bestie. How are you? I really hope your good. If your not, feel free to talk to me :)

I'm always gonna be there for your awesome ass. 👌

Stay safe, wear a mask and I love you ♥️

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