Ch. 44

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Chan POV

I tried to reach out to Dae-Shin but she never responded. It had been 2 days since the whole ordeal and she hadn't said a thing.

I needed to talk to her though considering this was something we should discuss. If she wanted to be in her son's life there wasn't much I could do about that.

I felt like as long as Dae wanted to see her I should let it happen. Of course I would have to he careful about it now that this has happened.

Daehyun wasn't quite all better and he kept to himself a lot still, bit what could I expect. He was really affected by all this, it wouldn't just go away.

I made sure to let him know that I wasn't gonna leave and I didn't blame him for this at all.

He kept saying that he wanted Felix to know he was sorry and that he wanted to apologize, and even after he did and Felix said it was fine he was still guilty.

He clearly felt terrible about being part of something that could have broke us up but it wasn't really his fault.

He never would have done something like that if his mother didn't manipulate him into it.

Dae filled me in on all of the details that I didn't quite know and it was just all the more shocking.

It was a lot to process and I found it hard to focus on much else.

I was taking about a week off of work to stay home with Daehyun. Most of the time we just worked on catching up school work or cuddling infront of the TV.

I found him curled up in my lap around 5 times already this week. He was really clingy and Felix said it was probably because he was still subconsciously scared I would leave.

Speaking of Felix, I think he was kind of hurt by when I didn't tell him Dae-Shin was back.

Hes been more quiet than usual and that could just be from shock, but he seems to only act that way towards me.

I knew I would have to do something about that soon.

Felix POV

When I got home from work I immediately wanted to take a nap. I could order dinner in and everything would be fine.

I stumbled up the stairs took off my top layer of shirt and plopped down onto my bed.

I almost fell asleep that way with my face stuffed in the pillow but I still had to get under the sheets.

I set an alarm for 45 minutes and closed my eyes. I couldn't help but think if everything going in right now.

Work was getting so hectic because we were at a full capacity of patients. We constantly had to move or transfer them to a different facility.

And when we transfered them it came down to a lot of paperwork which fell to me most of the time.

I was also busy with Chan because of that while issue. It was a lot to take in and I would he lying if I said I wasn't even a little bothered.

Why did he keep it a secret from me that she was back in the first place? I even gave him an opportunity to.

What can I really expect though, with everything that was happening with Daehyun I think one of the last things he'd like to deal with is explaining that to me.

Was it selfish of me to be thinking about what affected me in a situation that mostly affected him? Maybe.

I also think that lately Min has been feeling slightly neglected. He used to call me dad sometimes but I've noticed that ever since I got busy, it's been dying down.

Hes calling me Felix again and I'm not sure if I like it. I think I stopped paying so much attention to him and thought I was pushing him away.

Then he'd think that if I was pushing him away he didn't want to be clingy so he would push away as well.

I wanted to stop that before it was too late and we were back at square one. He was officially my son and I thought of him as one.

"Felix.." his voice rang in my ears. I turned over on my side and saw him in the doorway. I couldn't help but smile at his presence.

"Yeah?" I propped my head up with my hand and looked at him.

"I uhm.. can I.. join you?" He looked down at my bed and I got the hint. This was kind of perfect. Cuddling would definitely help our situation.

"Mhm." I nodded and opened up a space on the right side of the bed.

He trailed over and climed in beside me. I pulled his body closer to mine and hugged him.

We lay in silence for a long while just listening to the sound of breathing. I could feel his small heart beat against my body.

I think around 10 minutes past before I said anything, "You know, I've been kinda busy lately, but that doesn't mean I love you any less."

"Mhm." His small hands were wrapped around my torso.

"I don't want you to try and pull away alright?" I asked while I felt his head in my hands.

"I dont want to pull away either." I smiled. He was amazing.

"How did I get so lucky as to find you.." I sighed and stared at the wall infront of me.

"I'm the lucky one. You saved me."

"How so?"

"I could have gone back to my old home." I squeezed him a bit.

"I'd never let that happen. Even if I wasn't the one who ended up getting to love you." I kissed his head.

"I have a question." He said a lot more quietly now.

"Go ahead."

"You don't have to," I could hear the nervousness in his voice, "but could I uh... call you dad again?"

I smiled not really being able to contain my emotions, "Of course. How could I say no?"

"Thanks.. dad.."

1077 words

It's a Saturday for me and I had to get a new debit card today because something went wrong with the other one.

Idk it was annoying.

Anyway, how is ut day going?

Stay safe, wear a mask and I love you ♥️

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