Ch. 16

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Chan POV

While we watched the movie, every once and I while I would look over to see Felix starting to doze.

He always caught himself, and if he didn't, he woke up only moments later.

Honestly, it was just as cute as when Dae would do it, but in a different way. When Daehyun did it I would coo in adornment, but when Felix would do it, it made me want to kiss the sleep from his lips.

I put my arm around Felix like it was nothing to try and get him a little more comfortable.

At first he seemed kind of stiff, but not to long after he layed his head on my shoulder. His eyes were half lidded and sleepy.

Maybe he was bored of the movie. I didn't mind either way, I just started to run my fingers through his hair.

I twirled different strands around my finger and sewpt some from his face while I pretended to be interested in the movie.

In actuality, that was simply the direction I was looking in. I was completely absorbed by Felix.

Sometimes I would sneak glances at him and run my eyes over his freckles. He truly broke the 'clear skin' beauty standards.

At some point I watched his face drift into a sleep and his breath evened out. I kept playing with his hair and admiring his calm state.

I tried to keep as still as possible as to not wake the sleeping beauty. After a while I slowly started to pay more attention to the show.

However, this didn't last long. He shifted so that his legs sat over mine and he layed his head on my shoulder.

It was kind of like holding him bridal style, but not really.

All I knew in the moment was that this was one of the cutest things I'd ever seen, and I really needed this man in my life.

No joke, if anybody asked when I realized I needed him if we started a real relationship, this would he the moment I talked about.

The way he sat so calmly, the way his breath was so even, his slightly messy hair, oversized sweater, small parted lips.

He. Was. Everything.

Felix POV

When I awoke from my sleep and sat up, I immediately realized what I had done. I fell asleep on a date, and not just any date, the second date.

We weren't even super close yet, and I was asleep. I was even sitting on his lap while he watched the movie.

He didn't seem to notice that I was awake until I started to adjust myself.

"Hey Felix. How was the nap?" He grinned and swept a few stray hairs from my line of sight.

"Sorry I fell asleep." I immediately said, "it's not the movie or you or anything, I think I was just tired."

"No problem." His small felt so reassuring. "You looked super cute while you did it."

I blushed. Did I really? Then I realized that I was still on his lap...

I was about to move off but he put his arm on my waist. "No reason to move." He smiled. "You look comfy."

I nodded and sat back down. He was right, I was very comfortable.

I rested my head on his shoulder and watched as the movie ended. The credits rolled and music started to play.

"That was a nice movie..." I said, "Well at least the part I saw." Chan laughed a little.

"Yeah, I liked it too. Now how about we get up maybe have a drink and I'll drive you home?" He ran his hand over my cheek.

"Sure. That sounds great." I laughed. "It's around 12:30 though." I mentioned.

It was really getting late. I wasn't sure if Chan wanted me around for that long.

"Thats okay. You can leave in a bit I promise. I won't hold you hostage for too long." He joked.

My mind started to notice his hand on my waist trailing over the sweater. It sent shivers down my spine, but in a good way.

I hope that in a few more dates we could start to be seeing eachother rather than just dating.

It wasn't quite an official relationship, but we still had to get there somehow.

I stood up from the couch and gave a big stretch yawning while I did so. My legs felt stiff from sitting for so long.

"Are you still tired?" Chan asked stading up while I reached my hands up a bent backward a bit to get the kinks out of my back.

He softly patted my stomach as he walked by and grabbed the empty popcorn bowl to bring to the kitchen.

I walked after him and leaned against the counter watching him put it in the dishwasher.

"What does Daehyun think of our relationship?" I suddenly asked. I don't know why now, but I did.

"Oh well, it's kind of complicated." He said, "He's definitely not against it, but he's worried that his mom will come back and then she won't be able to stay because of this." He sighed and smiled kind of sadly.

"I feel bad for him. He wants a mom so bad he's willing to take the one that hurt him in the first place." He continued.

"I understand that. Min always wanted a normal set of parents to love him, but I can't really be that." I said understandingly.

"It's not our fault though. We're just doing our best to pick up a mess someone else caused while trying to keep them happy." Chan nodded.

"Right." I smiled.

"So, what type of drink do you want? I have white wine, not sure if you like whiskey." He turned and opened a cabinet that stored alcoholic beverages and fancy glasses for them.

"Well, like I said, I don't normally drink, but maybe white wine just this once." I smiled sheepishly. I got drunk quite easily.

"Oh sorry, I forgot about that. Sure though. White wine it is." He grabbed that and two wine glasses from the cupboard.

"Just not too much. I have a really low alcohol tolerance." I joked around. He laughed and filled the glass to about the bottom line.

"Here you are, beautiful." He slide the glass ro me like a bar tender. I blushed at the comment and went to take a sip.

It was really nice. This must be one of those fancy wines. I wouldn't really know though.

"What do you say we start to hang out a little more. Not quite dates, but just being together." He suggested.

"Sure. I think that sounds nice. It would be nice to see you in a not so formal setting." I agreed. This would get us closer to the 'seeing eachother' phase of the relationship.

1186 words

Hi... I had a half day in school today so I released a chapter slightly early. I hope you liked it, and I hope to see you again soon.

Stay safe, wear a mask and I love you ♥️

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ◇ ChanLixDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora