Ch. 39

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Chan POV

I was hanging out with the entire friend group at Jisungs place that Friday night while Dae and Min-Jun played on his gaming console.

Daehyun was still going to his therapy sessions and I think it was helping. He wasn't back to the way he was, but I could at least have some sort of conversation with him now.

He also started to do even parts of his school work. I think he lacked any sort of motivation and Aera was doing something about that.

I'm not sure what, but I was glad about it. At this rate I might actually get my baby boy back.

It's obviously not just a snap your fingers kind of thing, and I still needed to know the roots of the problem, but he seemed to he better.

I was still talking to Dae-Shin and she was still begging me to meet up with her and bring Dae along but I just didn't want that.

I wasn't sure how I would even go about telling Daehyun that his mother was back after 11 nearly 12 years.

That was a long conversation that he just didn't need right now. I had to tell Felix at some point though.

I didn't want him to find out on his own and get mad about me keeping a secret like that from him.

I wanted to keep out relationship going for as long as possible. It had already been about 4, maybe less, months.

We had the perfect relationship right now. The most flawless thing in my life other than Daehyun.

"I didn't forget it just slipped my mind!" Hyunjin whined about something else.

"You forgot! When I brought it up you went 'hUh?'" Minho defended himself. What was the argument again?

"I agree," Jisung added, "You totally forgot. I'll never forgive you for this."

"I didn't! You guys just never talk about your relationship!" Hyunjin kept up with his point.

Right then there was a ring at the doorbell and Seungmin immediately got up to go get it.

It was probably Felix considering he was late. Most likely got held up with work.

"Hey Lixie!" Seungmin said cheerfully and wrapped his arms around the boy in a big hug.

"Hello. I'm sorry I was late, my boss called Ina last minute meeting." He said hugging back.

"Your boyfriend is over here!" Changbin said motioning to me, "Don't forget about him like Hyunjin forgot about how Minho and Jisung were dating."

"I didn't!" Hyunjin whined.

"I won't." I watched with a smile as he slipped his shoes off and came paddling towards me.

He gave me a peck on the lips before going over to say hello to Min-Jun. I had given both the boys a ride over here because Felix was still busy.

He sat down in an empty spot on the couch near me and the conversation continued about Hyunjin forgetting or whatever.

After a while of zoned back in when I heard another topic pop up.

"He's going to be put of school which means that I need to get someone to watch him. Most likely going to be his grandma." Felix said.

I git the hint he was talking about Min and how school was ending soon.

"Why don't I just watch him? I'll be off work as well." I suggested.

"That could work, I don't want you to always watch him though. Two kids is a lot of work." Felix shrugged.

"We are not." Min was still looking at the TV where his game was displayed.

"Are so." Felix patted the small boys head.

"Hmph." Was all that Min-Jun responded with.

"Can you imagine having kids? Bro, I could never." Jeongin joked.

"Me neither." Jisung shook his head, "So much work."

"And money." Seungmin agreed.

"But they're so cute though." I smiled cheesily as I eyed Daehyun.

"Ew." Dae and Min said in sink, "Sappy." Min added.

"If you ever have kids you'll know. Just you wait." Felix muttered.

"I don't know, they seem pretty annoying." Min-Jun fiddled with his controller.

"They can be, but most of the time pretty awesome." Jeongin told them.

"How would you know? You don't have kids... that I know of." I said.

"Ok- enough of making fun of me-" Jisung said, "I was simply saying."

"How can you say not to make fun of people? I hear what you and Minho say to eachother." Jun said.

"What? What does he say about me?" Minho was suddenly interested.

"You say them back." Dae muttered.

"But what..?" Changbin narrowed his eyes.

"I don't even know what it means. They sat stuff while they kiss like, 'oh you dirty slut' or-" Felix slapped his hand over Minnie's mouth.

"No need for that-" he said while everyone burst out laughing. Wow. He really overhead sex talk.

"Oooh sounds like things got spicy!" Seungmin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively

Jisungs face was bright read and I don't think he found this funny. He just sat there with his arms crossed.

"And that's why you don't makeout infront of children." I said trying to contain my laughter.

"I'm sure you have." Minho was also blushing.

"Really no. Only when they're out of the house." Felix shook his head, "We have priorities."

I nodded along, "Don't we though?"

"Absolutely." Felix agreed, "We tell eachother everything."

He looked me in the eye as he said it and a pang of guilt rode through me but I smiled and agreed as well.

Yeah... I would definitely have to tell him soon.

1019 words

Hello girlies 💓 how are you today? I'm pretty good, I hope you are too.

I hope your having a wonderful time whatever time it is for you, everyone deserves to be happy.

Yall are so amazing and thank you so so so osososososososososososospsosososososppspspsp much for reading and hopefully enjoying this book.

I'm trying to get to the juicy part but there are a few things I need to get through first so bewr with me :)

Stay safe, wear a mask and I love you ♥️

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ◇ ChanLixजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें