Ch. 25

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Felix POV

I had been called out to the office on a last minute request just around 1pm. I couldn't get anybody to watch him while i was out though.

I figured that he was around 11 years old and he could handle himself once and a while.

My number was on the fridge and I gave him multiple run downs of what to do and what not to do.

He was a pretty responsible and reliable child as far as 5th graders go anyway. I felt like he was going to be okay for just an hour or so.

When I pulled into the driveway I was quick to get out of the car and make my way to the front door. If anything went wrong I wanted to know sooner rather than later.

I popped the key into the lock and turned. I heard the click and I opened the door. The house was pretty quiet.

I would understand why, it was just one person home alone, but it was slightly too quiet.

I didn't hear anybody walking upstairs, doors moving, things dropping or even the sounds of the TV.

I closed the door slowly and set down my keys. He was probably just sleeping, I needed to check anyway though.

I took off my shoes but left on my light jacket before walking up the staircase.

I still didn't hear anything when I reached his door. I opened it slowly but didn't see him.

I started to worry just a little bit but decided to check around for a while.

He wasn't in the bathroom, his bedroom, my bedroom, the living room, kitchen, or even the downstairs laundry room.

I was started to get really nervous at this point. Did he leave the house, get kidnapped, fall, hurt himself, the possibilities were limitless.

I made the decision to do one more check around the house. He didn't seem to be anywhere still until I got to my room.

I heard the slightest shifting in the closet and I froze. I turned around and trailed over quickly.

When I opened the doors at first I saw nothing, but when I got a better look I noticed him.

He was behind some clothes and in a ball against the back walls with his knees up, head down, and hands over his ears.

It was made clear that he was in the middle of an episode. He used to hide like this in closets from his biological father.

Blocking out all of his senses and praying to whatever he could that it was all a dream and if he wished hard enough it would all go away.

I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched but stayed still for the most part.

"Minnie. Baby it's me, Felix." I said softly running his shoulder to comfort him.

He glanced up with teary swollen eyes and when he recognized me he basically leaped into my arms.

"Daddy!" He yelled as if he couldn't get toward me fast enough.

I grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug in my lap whispering sweet nothings to help calm him down.

What really stood out to me though was him calling me daddy. It made me very excited though I couldn't show it in the moment.

It made me feel so much closer to him as a person. Like maybe he was actually starting to warm up to me and see me as a sort of father figure.

I knew he was panicked right now and he probably wasn't thinking straight, but it still meant a lot to me.

He might see me as some sort of reliable source that he can go to in situations like these that he's scared and helpless.

That I'm the person he looks up to for help in tough situations.

I pulled his head to my chest and rocked from side to side to bring him to his real reality.

Rubbing circles on his back and running my hands through his hair while he cried to me about the man that hurt him.

"I miss Jinwoo.." he sniffled into my chest. He referred referred the friend of his that had been killed by his father.

When I first heard about that it nearly made me sick to the stomach. To know that some people would got to such lengths to torture their own kid.

His father was supposed to love him and care for him, but instead he hurt him more than anybody else could possibly have.

"I know Minnie. Just remember how he's happily watching over you as we speak. I know he misses you to, but someday you will be able to see him again." I whispered.

Not anyway soon as far as I can help it, but one-day we will all pass away and they'll see eachother again.

I'm not religious but I believe in heaven and he'll. I think there is a higher power, but I just don't know what it is.

The world is complicated but I don't really need to understand every part of it. Just what means something to me.

"But I want him now.." he whispered gripping his small hands onto my shirt. Tears still pooled from his eyes and every once and a while he would hickupp.

"I'm so sorry baby.." I hugged his even tighter. It was almost like if I didn't he would slip away from me.

I wanted him in my life and for him to be happy. Even if it was at the expense of my own life, as long as this boy was happy, so was I.

I can't even remember what life was like without him. Every time I see him smile I can't help but smile as well.

He brightens everyday I have with him and I would be so lost without him.

I was going to ask him if he wanted me to adopt him in the next week or so. I was thinking about it very seriously.

I got the paperwork necessary for adopting him the other day and I just needed the go ahead form Min to fill it out.

"I really love you you know that?" I asked as the tears started to slow down and he was becoming calm.

"I love you too." He sniffed. His voice was kind of groggy from his plugged nose bit I heard it loud and clear.

I ran circles around his back as he continued to hold onto me. He was so amazing to be around.

I felt so suddenly warm inside when he said it back. That was two people in two days.

I smiled and buried my face in his hair. "I can't imagine life without you Minnie."

1169 words

Heyyy, it's it's me, author-nim. Love you all for being here with me and I can't wait to see you next chapter :)

Stay safe, wear a mask and I love you ♥️

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