Ch. 10

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Felix POV

When we walked into the restaurant a waitress immediately made her way to assist us.

"Do you two have a reservation?" She asked and opened up a booklet at the front podium.

"Yes, under the name Bang Christopher Chan." And then it hit me, I never knew Chans full name.

I only ever referred to him as Chan, and most likely, he didn't know my full name either.

I wonder if he wanted to know it. If he did I could simply tell him, but he may know that my last name was Lee.

"Of course, a table on the balcony for two correct?" She confirmed.

"Yeah that would be it." Chan- or should I say Christopher, nodded.

"Ok gentlemen. Please follow me this way." And that was what we did. We trailed behind the girl as she led us through the building.

I was in awe as I looked around and saw the chandeliers and fancy moldings scripting the walls and ceiling.

The lights were dimmed and it almost felt like a candle lit dining room. They sure did a good job of making things romantic.

"Do you like it?" Chan leaned closer to me and asked quietly as to not upset the low volume of the other tables.

I nodded still star struck. "This place is beautiful." I looked over to find that suddenly we were in a private room with glass walls and ceiling.

The only opaque wall was the one that was attached to the restaurant itself. You could see the sunset above and around you.

Of course the floor was solid but the huge windows were enough. There was a huge up high view of the cityscape that was filled with lights and buildings.

"You two can take a seat, I'll have another waiter right with you for the drink orders." The girl motioned to the table in the center of the room.

Once we sat down the lady left us alone to look at the menus. The table was decorated with a white table cloth and polished silver utensils.

There was a small bouquet of white and soft red roses. "How do you like it?" Chan smiled charmingly.

"It's gorgeous..." I whispered still shocked from what I had seen. This place must be 5 stars.

"I'm glad you like it. They have fine wines too. You can pick what you'd like, I'll pay." Yeah, that wasn't gonna work.

"No, we can split the check, I don't expect you to pay for all of this." I reasoned with him.

"I took you here, if I didn't want to pay, I would have chosen somewhere else." He grinned.

His smile sent a shiver down my spine. How was this man so fucking hot?

"Well I know that-" he cut me off.

"Why don't we decide this when the bill comes. You might change your mind." Oh my fucking God his voice.

The butterflies in my stomach felt like they were on cocain.

"Fine." I pouted and picked up the menu. I flipped to the drink page and almost immediately knew what I wanted.

I set the menu down. "Done already?" He asked still with his dimples on full display.

"Mhm." I nodded. "Take your time though."

"Sure thing." He went back to scanning the pages. "What did you want though?"

"Don't laugh if I tell you." I warned.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ◇ ChanLixWhere stories live. Discover now