Ch. 31

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Felix POV

On Saturday morning I had to arrive at my parents house at 10pm sharp to help them set up the part for 12pm.

Min has to sit around doing nothing for two hourse even though he wanted to help, my mom said he wasn't lifting a single finger and that was final though.

He pouted for a while but eventually just pulled put his phone and probably played some game.

I had to slave away setting up the backyard, cooking and helping to clean things up after, I really didn't mind though.

I liked to feel helpful, especially for the people who raised me. They were a big help I my life and I have to thank them somehow.

As I placed a charcuterie board of crackers, cheese and some fruits on the outside patio table I heard a car door slam.

Some of the guests must be here, hopefully it was one of Min-Jun's friends so he wouldn't be so bored.

Just as I had that thought though I knew I jinxed it because my nearest nearest dearest dumbasses Hyunin, Minho and Seungmin showed up.

"Heyy Felix, heyy Minnie. My favorite father son duo." Seungmin gave me a hug as he walked by.

"How are you?" Minho asked smiling at me. I noticed that Seungmin was already fooling around with Jun though.

"I'm good." I nodded, "Thangs have been a little crazy but I'm good."

"Well that's good." Hyunjin ate a cracker of the display set on the table. I chuckled a bit and turned around.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Seungmin asked giving some attention to me now.

"I think he's still on his way. I can check if he sent a text." I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and clicked his contact.

"Awe.." I said in disappointment, "He says Dae can't make it." I looked over to Junnie.

"Oh.." he seemed a little sad, "He's probably still sad." He looked down at his feet and kicked them back and forth.

"Is Dae still going through that whole personality change thing?" Minho asked, "I thought that would he a relatively short thing but it's been more than a month."

"We all hoped it would be, but Daehyun is really taking whatever this is harshly." I put my phone back I my pocket after sending a quick reply.

"I'm still so confused as to what could make such a happy kid so sad for such a long time. I'm really starting to worry for him." Hyunjin sighed.

"Chan is taking it bad too. He feels like it's his fault that Dae won't let him in." I took a seat in one of the lawn chairs.

"Ah, boys!" My mom came out the back door and spotted us four. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Us as well Mrs. Lee." Seungmin gave her a hug back. "This is such a special occasion."

"Sure is." My mother agreed enthusiastically.

Just as we all got settled down my dad came through the back gate leading Chan behind him.

"Channie!" Min sprung to his feet before I even realized he was there.

"Hey buddy." He gave Jun a big hug. "Sorry that Dae couldn't make it." He ruffled his hair while he stood up.

"Thats okay. I understand." Min-Jun nodded. He could be very grown up at times.

"Hello." I walked over and gave him a much clamer hug. "How are you feeling?"

"I could be better, but that's not really what I here for is it?" He gave me a peck on the lips and I lead him over over the rest of the group.

After that a lot more people trailed in, mostly mothers with their children that happened to be Min-Jun's friend and other people like that.

Later Jisung, Changbin and Jeongin made their way in. They had become really close with me and Jun over the past two months.

All of the children parted off and rough-housed in the weirdly big backyard my parents owned.

A lot of the adults paired off into groups and talked much more calmly. By that we mean we weren't tackling eachother to the ground like the kids were.

I got a lot of congratulations on adopting Min and everything I would say something along the lines of thank you.

"Yeah I agree with that. Because it's all so complicated-" Me and a few other parents, including Chan, were having a conversation when my mom came over and asked me something.

"Could you grab that cake from inside? It's getting around that time of the party- Oh, it might be a two person job though so be careful." She warned.

I assured her that I would and got up to go fulfill my task. Chan ended up following close behind to help me out.

"You know you really don't have to help." I said closing the backdoor, "I can probably do it myself."

"But I want to help you. I can't leave my darling alone to do all the work." I lightly punched the side of his arm for being so sappy.

"No need to be all lovey dovey. You know affection makes me uncomfy." I shot his a playful glare.

"I'm just trying to expose you to it. You'll become immune soon enough." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"I'm a psychiatrist, I know thats  it how that works. Like at all." I rolled my eyes and grabbed a platter to carry the cake on.

"Have you tried it on yourself?" He asked running his hands up and down my waist while I transported the cake from one plate to the other.

"No. As a matter of fact, I have not." As soon as I placed the cake down I gasped at his cold hands under my shirt.

"Maybe we should try." He grinned over my shoulder.

"This is no time to be horny Channie boy." I bopped his nose and he just smirked.

"Whi said I was horny?" He turned me around and put his face only inches from mine.

"Maybe the fact that I feel your hands roaming around under my shirt. You can have a kiss but that's it." I warned.

"Good enough for me." He pulled my chin up and placed his lips on mine. Its not like we don't kiss much, we do all the time, but for some reason it never gets old.

The taste of his mouth in mine and the soft feeling of his lips rubbing up against my own.

There was no tongue involved this time but it was smooth and pleasant. After a moment we pulled away and he grinned.

"Thank you." He said softly and went to go pick up the cake.

"I can carry that-"

"No, I'm sure I just left you weak in the knees from my amazing kissing skills." He winked as he joked around.

I rolled my eyes, "Sure sure."

When we got outside my mother immediately asked what took so long, then she took one look at how I blushed and rolled her eyes.

"You guys just can't keep it in your pants." She mumbled and turned away.

"Hmph." I pouted and crossed my arms, "She was a young person at one point as well." I muttered.

"You're adorable Lixie." Chan set the cake down.

This was going to be a long night...

1287 words

Hello, how are you? I hope your amazingly awesome. I'm good so I hope you are too :)

Thank you for reading the book and you know, that star button down there looks pretty interesting. Maybe you should click it..

Idk..  just a thought.. 😏

Stay safe, wear a mask and I love you ♥️

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