Chapter 41- Reasons:

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I wouldn't call Eren a reckless driver, per say— he was always extra careful when I was in the car with him because he wanted to make me feel safe— but he definitely got road rage easily.

"Fucking bitch!" Eren slammed his fists on the steering wheel, green eyes on fire, eyeing the car in front of us in anger as we were cut off. "What the fuck?!"

"Relax, Eren," I soothed. "Just catch up to them at the next stop light and give them a dirty look or something."

Eren scoffed, "Like that would be enough."

"Don't be dramatic."

Eren bit down on his lip, fuming in silence, drumming his fingers aggressively on the wheel, swerving through cars on the freeway. Finally, he began to ease up.

"Sorry," he apologized embarrassedly.

I brushed the hair out of his eyes. "It's okay."

There was something I had been meaning to ask Eren for awhile— ever since I had found out about it, actually, but there never seemed to be a good time. I had never asked him why he lied about inviting Yelena to Annie's party before asking me.

As he drove, I figured now would be as good of a time as ever. Like Eren had said— this would be a long car ride back, so we'd have a lot of time to kill.

"Hey, babe?" I asked, fiddling with his ring. Eren always gave it to me on long drives. He knew I always needed something to fidget with.


"Do you remember when you took me to visit Annie?"


"And we pretended like we were dating?"

"Uh-huh," he replied, keeping his eyes steady on the road.

"Why'd you do that?"

Eren bit his lip and shook his head, smiling to himself. "Are you trying to embarrass me or something?"


He flushed anyway, then paused, trying to find his tongue. "I wanted to see what it was like, I guess. How you would react and— if you pretended with me— how it would feel if it were real."

"You're such a cliche, you know that?" I teased.

"Maybe I am. But it was fun."

"You were drunk."

"I was drunk because I got sad that you didn't want to pretend date me."

"That's cute. And concerning— drinking is not good coping behavior."

"Yeah, yeah," Eren tapped his fingers on the wheel, "Why'd you bring this up, anyway?"

"Dunno... I was just thinking about it."


That was something I had always loved about Eren. He never prodded. Vague answers were enough for him. He was never surprised by my random conversation topics, and never refused to answer any questions I asked him. Finally, he had opened up to me.

Eren opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him.

"My question is two parts," I said. I still hadn't asked Eren why he'd lied about asking Yelena.

Eren raised an eyebrow curiously, "What's the second part?"

"When you invited me to that dinner, you told me that Yelena was your first option, but she had cancelled on you last-minute."

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