Chapter 26- "Study Session":

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(A/N)~ Here is what y'all have been reading for... more to come ;)

⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- ~mature themes~

    I showed up to Eren's dorm around 7 PM, not bothering to wear anything flattering— at this point, it was obvious nothing was going to happen between us.

    Eren welcomed me into his room, dressed just as sloppily, his roommate nowhere to be found. He stared at the ceiling embarrassedly, rubbing the back of his head.

    "Thanks for coming on such short notice..." he said awkwardly. "I'm sorry to bug you like this again."

    "It's fine. I don't mind."

    Eren turned to his desk and picked up a stack of papers. "Here," he started, handing them to me. "Prof did another lecture today— you can borrow my notes."

    I took them from him thankfully, noticing he was still wearing the silver ring around his finger. I smiled to myself. I wonder what caused this change of heart... Maybe I actually got through to him... at least for a bit. I knew sentimental objects could only serve as reminders for so long until they returned to physical objects once again. Sometimes, their purpose was easy to forget.

    "Alright, then," I pulled up the chair from Eren's roommate's desk up to the table and sat down. "Shall we begin?"

    Eren chewed his lip and nodded, taking a seat next to me. As we worked, I noticed how fidgety he was— he was always tapping his foot or twirling his hair or something of the like. I watched him carefully as he focused, admiring him. It was so hard not to. Through his thin jacket and T-shirt I could see his toned muscles flex and relax, his strong shoulder blades prominent despite being covered. Eren had a perfect jawline, smooth lips that he sometimes bit down on when he was thinking intensely about something, intricately places crevices and dark circles that made his face all the more chilled and alluring...

    I sighed deeply, angry with myself for enjoying these trivial moments with him so much. He was just so—

    "Oops—" Eren blocked my train of thought, "Dropped my pencil." He leaned forward, arm brushing past my leg— I pretended not to notice the contact. As Eren came back up, however, he put his free hand on my thigh for leverage, squeezing it ever so slightly. That, I had a hard time not reacting to. I tensed, fists balling, a million dirty thoughts streaming into my head from just one little gesture.

    God, am I really that desperate?

    Eren, still below me, hand on my thigh, stared up at me with an eyebrow raised. His expression shifted, and his green eyes looked up at me seductively with a knowing and exposing expression— it seemed that he had made the connection. I flushed from embarrassment, still frozen in one place.

    "Oh?" Eren pursed his lips and smiled. He tightened his grip and slowly slid his hand further up my thigh.

    I looked away, clenching my teeth to hide my reaction. Eren inched forward just as if to put his head between my legs— it was taking all of my brainpower to keep my breathing controlled— but then pulled away suddenly, sitting himself back in his chair and releasing me. He put his pencil back to the paper and continued working as if nothing had happened.

    I frowned, but followed his lead, pretending Eren had simply dropped his pencil and that was all. We worked diligently for another half hour without a word, but it was practically impossible for me to focus— I had just been replaying Eren working his hand up my thigh on repeat in my head. Not to mention how he intentionally moved to put his head between my legs before changing his mind. Mother fucker. I hate this kid. Am I supposed to beg for it or something?

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