Chapter 23- Study Session:

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When I got back to my room, I grabbed a bag of potato chips and settled myself in my rolling chair at my desk. I paused my aggressive chip-eating to input Eren's number into my phone. Once I did so, I sent a series of pictures of my notes.

    A few minutes later, he responded with a quick 'Thx', not even bothering to type out the entire word, signaling to me that our relationship was still moving quite slow. I rolled my eyes, At this rate, we'll never be more than study partners, if one could even consider us that. As of now, Eren was just using me for school work. Although, I wasn't sure what else I expected, all things considered. It was surprising enough that he'd given me his number in the first place.

    The week passed without another text from Eren, nor any contact in Ceramics. It was getting frustrating. I wasn't sure how often I could talk to him— I didn't want to overstep my bounds— (like I always seemed to do)— and ruin everything.

    Eventually, Friday rolled around. I worked on my sculpture quietly in my seat, attempting to focus, while Eren did the same. At some point, he left his seat across from me to go talk to Professor Hanji, but I didn't bother paying attention because it wasn't really my business. My breathing slowed as I zoned into my work, finally being able to concentrate now that Eren had gone. Suddenly, I heard a voice over my shoulder.

    "(Y/N)," Eren loomed over me and put his hand on the table beside my arm. I could feel his breath hitting the crook of my neck, but his body and head were just far away enough to where he wasn't overstepping his bounds. "Are you busy tonight?" he asked.

    I froze, heartbeat skyrocketing. The sound reverberated in my ears loudly— I hoped Eren couldn't hear it. What did he just ask? Does he want to hang out?

    "No, I'm free," I said a bit too quickly.

    "Oh, good," Eren pulled away from me, giving me space, and sat across from me in his usual seat. His green eyes stared into mine. "Can you come over and help me decipher your notes? I can barely read anything," he said flatly.

    Oh. Well, that killed the mood. Or, my mood, at least.

    I wanted to change my mind and say that I was, in fact, busy, but it was too late.

    "Yeah, I can come by for a few hours," I replied.

    "I'll call you, then."

    "Great," I affirmed just as apathetically. This mother fucker.

    "Wait, so you can't come tonight?" Connie asked through the phone. We were on a group FaceTime since everybody was in separate places. Judging by the background, Connie was in the library. That's surprising.

    "Not tonight. I'm sorry guys," I apologized, walking across campus.

    Sasha chewed her food loudly; it looked like she was still in class. "Why don't you just come after you're done with... whatever it is you're doing?" she whispered.

    "Or before?" Jean added. He was lounging on his bed in his dorm.

    "I can't. I don't know when I'm supposed to meet them," I answered, cursing Eren in my head for his vagueness.

    Sasha frowned. "You sound sus, (Y/N). Who exactly are you hanging out with?"

    "Yeah, are you safe?" Jean asked concernedly.

    "I'll be fine, you guys. Please don't worry. I just can't make it tonight. But, I'll see you all tomorrow. We can go out for lunch or something, okay?"

    The group nodded solemnly. "Okay, well—" Sasha started.

    My phone screen switched; Eren was calling. Oh fuck me.

    "Guys, I've gotta go," I said quickly. "My friend is calling me about our plans."

    "God, (Y/N), you are so fucking vague—" I cut Connie's voice off, feeling a bit guilty, and answered Eren's call.


    "Hey," Eren's low voice radiated through the speakers. "Do you wanna come by around seven?"

    "Uh... sure, I think that will work," I replied slowly, pretending that I had a schedule to check.

    "Cool. My room number is 104, Trost Hall. Think you can find it?" I could hear flipping and tapping sounds in the background— it seemed like he was busy with something.

    "Yeah, I've been around there," I said.

    "Good girl," he complimented absentmindedly. I melted. How can he say stuff that is so unbelievably hot and not realize it?

    "See you then," I said through clenched teeth, hanging up. MOTHER FUCKERRRRRRR!!

    I checked the time: five PM. While I probably should had used this time to study, I decided to get ready to see Eren instead.

    I walked past my mirror a hundred times, observing myself at every angle, still dissatisfied. Of course, that would never change. I sucked. <3 Anyway, it wasn't like I was wearing fancy clothes or anything— just a plain jacket and pants, since we were only studying, after all. Around my 120th lap around the room I realized something: Wait— what if he meant a 'study session'? As in, like... well, you know.

    I undressed completely and switched into a cuter set of underwear— something on the nicer side, but not too nice to where it seemed like I was trying to hard. I put my hand over my eyes; God, I am way overthinking this.

    Soon enough, seven PM rolled around and I packed up my bag and left for Eren's dorm. When I arrived, I held my fist up hesitantly to knock. Although this door looked no different than my own, I suddenly felt much more intimidated. It seemed taller and more consuming. God, can I really fuck him sober?

    Now, I was being ridiculous. I shouldn't jump to conclusions just because I was eager. Just because of what happened the last time I was alone with him. I took a deep breath in and knocked softly. In a few seconds, a tall, lean figure opened the door for me.

    "Howdy," Eren greeted, pulling open the door to let me in. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants, a plain white T-shirt, and his favorite jacket. I scanned the sleeves to see if they were still stained from when I had gotten clay on them. It looked like they were scrubbed clean.

    Sweatpants, huh? So, was this my old Eren coming back or was this 'let's go fuck' Eren?

    "Hi," I said back hesitantly. I walked over to the desk across the room and stood there awkwardly. The room was dark besides the small lamp illuminating the space just a bit further than around Eren's desk.

    "You can put your books on the desk, (Y/N)," he smiled wanly, scratching the back of his head. "Although, you didn't have to bring them— I just needed help reading your writing is all."

    "Oh... haha, of course. Sorry," I mumbled.

    "No, it's fine, don't worry," Eren said as he opened his mini fridge. "Do you want a snack before we start? I have popsicles—"

    "I'm good, thanks," I said quickly. I was so nervous, I did not have an appetite whatsoever. Although, I wasn't sure why I was still panicking; it was obvious that we would just be studying tonight.

    "Oh. Okay, then. You don't have to stand there so uncomfortably, you know."

    I flushed, embarrassed that he'd noticed.

    "We can sit on the bed, if you want. Or the floor. I don't want to make you think I'm trying to insinuate anything," he clenched his teeth.

    "Bed is fine," I replied. Eren took a seat across from me on the small twin bed and we got to work deciphering the mess of notes I had taken in World Health. After awhile, I was starting to get extremely tired. And bored. As he worked, I noticed a small smile creep up on Eren's lips.

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