Chapter 5- Greened-Out:

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- drug use

I knew it wasn't any of my business, but all of a sudden, I was extremely curious as to what Eren was up to in the secret room. I slowly stood up, steadying myself, mumbling to my friends that I 'had to use the bathroom', before making my way over to the tiny room that I had seen Yelena and Floch walk out of.

I pushed the door open quietly and saw Eren sitting alone on a bed in the dark, the fan whirring quietly above him. I was too high to feel self-conscious or anxious about dropping by, so I just stood in the doorway, watching him silently. His dark hair had fallen out of its bun and shaded his eyes, which looked tired and worn. Eren had his knees hanging off of the mattress, hands propped up on his legs, with his sleeves rolled up and his wrists facing the ceiling. He was staring down heavily at them, unmoving.

Weird. I turned to leave, but before I walked out, Eren's green eyes flashed upwards to meet mine and he slowly pulled his jacket sleeves back down. Wasn't it still too hot for that?

I grimaced at being caught spying. Wow, yet another thing I have to apologize for.

"Hi, Eren," I muttered awkwardly to him.

His eyes flicked down to an open spot on the bed, then back up to me. I took that as a sign for me to sit.

I wobbled over to him, still feeling quite high. When I sat, I kept some distance between us, not wanting to overstep my bounds more than I already had.

I couldn't really see him— the only light that seeped in was through the door— but from what I could make out, Eren's shadow displayed his usual expression of apathy.

"What's up?" I asked cooly.

"Nothing, really," he replied bleakly, fiddling with his thick steel ring. I wonder where he got that from... He wears it often.

We sat in silence for a few moments. When I realized this conversation wasn't going to go anywhere, I made a move to get up. I saw from the corner of my eye Eren reach for my hand to pull me back, but he stopped himself. I pretended not to notice.

"I didn't know you came to parties like this," he mused.

"I—" I sighed, relaxing next to him, realizing that this was his poor attempt to make me stay. "I don't normally, but..." I suddenly forgot what I was saying, "But— wait, what were we talking about, again?"

"Are you high?" Eren asked with a bit of surprise.

I felt my eyes droop. "Yes."

"Smile for me."

I obliged.

I saw Eren's form shaking slightly and started to panic.

"Are you okay?" I asked timidly.

"Haha, what?" He turned to face me and I saw that his eyes were slightly red too. "I'm fine. I was laughing."

"At what?"

"At you," Eren said cheekily.


"Because your smile looks stupid. You have the 'I'm-so-high-right-now' smile."

"And what does that look like?" I asked playfully. "Please demonstrate it for me."

Eren's green eyes brightened and the corners of his lips turned upward, but he stopped himself: "I can't do it, actually," he said. "I have to fake being sober so often that I've actually forgotten how."


I watched the room spin slowly around me, letting my body ride its rhythm.

"What are you doing now?" Eren asked curiously, leaning his head towards me.

"I'm letting the room pull me around," I said happily. "It just feels right. I just feel... dizzy."

Eren lifted an eyebrow cautiously and pulled back. "Dizzy?" he asked.

"Yeah. It's nice—" My smile disappeared. "Uh-oh."

"'Uh-oh' what?"

"I feel sick," I groaned. All of a sudden, my high wasn't so enjoyable. The room's spinning was no longer fun, it was nauseating.

Eren held his fingers in the air. "Do you mind?" he asked, lifting his hand near my neck. "I want to check your heart rate."

My breathing increased. I was beginning to feel anxious. "Go ahead," I said.

He pressed his fingers below my jawline and held them there for a few moments. They were cool, and Eren's energy seemed to almost relax me. I could feel the cold ring press up against my throat. I liked it. He seemed so calm and collected.

Eren pulled his hand away after a few seconds and put it against my forehead, eyeing me to make sure he had my permission. Although he tried to hide it, behind his green eyes I could see growing concern.

"What's wrong?" I asked nervously.

"Nothings wrong," he replied. "Why don't we go to the bathroom real quick?"

"Wait, why?" I prodded, growing more and more suspicious.

"I just need your help with something," Eren replied, standing up and guiding me off of the bed.

Does he want me to...? There was no way in hell I was going to do that.

I tried pulling away from him. Eren let me go, seeing that I didn't want to be with him, but the moment he released me, the room began spinning faster. My breathing heightened and my ears began to ring.

"Eren," I said anxiously. "Eren. I can't stand up. Everything's spinning. I can't move. I'm stuck. Eren, I can't move my legs—"

"Okay, (Y/N), breathe for a second. I'm right here," he said calmly, coming back to me. I grabbed onto him tightly, fearing that if I let go, I'd fall into an abyss. He continued, "Why don't we go to the bathroom?"

"Eren, I'm not going to the bathroom with you!!" I said angrily. What is wrong with him? I knew I shouldn't have come to this party—

"Please, (Y/N), it's right there. I promise I'll wait outside," he pleaded.

Huh? 'Wait outside'? Didn't he want me to...?

Another wave of nausea hit me. "Eren— I think I'm gonna—"

Before I could react, Eren snatched me up and rushed me to the bathroom, plopping me in front of the toilet. Somehow, he timed it perfectly: the moment I landed, I started vomiting profusely.

As I spewed my guts out, Eren leaned on the counter with his arms crossed, staring up at the ceiling. I pushed my hair out of my face and caught his eye.

"Do you want me to go?" he asked concernedly.

I tried to answer, but was forced to turn my head back to the toilet and continue vomiting. I heard him take a step away and I instinctively reached my hand out.

It hung there in the air for a few moments. Suddenly, I felt cool fingers wrap around it and a cold steel band press into my hand. I relaxed slightly, feeling comforted by Eren's presence beside me. I peeked up for a moment and saw him once again leaning casually against the sink, staring at the ceiling. It seemed that nothing had changed, except for this time, Eren was also idly rubbing circles around the back of my hand with his thumb. My other hand gripped the toilet tightly, steadying myself as I emptied the contents of my stomach into the giant ceramic bowl. 

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