Chapter 10- Let Me:

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- self-harm/suicide attempt/blood

Connie was right. Though it was nighttime, the beach was surprisingly warm. I walked up to the shoreline and dipped my feet in. Freezing. I pulled back quickly and stood on the dry sand. My friends had left for a few moments to grab a of couple blankets for us to sit down on and enjoy the view. We had arrived mid-party, since dinner had taken longer than planned, but of course, that didn't really matter.

The beach was far from smooth— rocks jutted out at every corner. It was a private area— we had to climb over some small cliffs to get here— that was protected at each end by head-high barnacle-covered stones. I watched the waves crash into the rocks and spray water into the air. The moon was particularly bright and illuminated the beach with ease. There was almost no need for the blazing bonfire that raged behind me, crowded with students.

I stared into the black ocean. Each wave seemed harsh and aggressive, wearing away at the rocks with no mercy. Despite the warm weather, every so often, a gust of ocean air would come by and make me grateful for my jacket. While I waited silently for the trio to return, I heard voices in the distance to my right.

I squinted, barely able to make out the silhouettes of two people standing across from each other on one of the high rocks that was set in the water. Behind one of the people, there was a smaller crowd of three or four. The waves crashed into the rock they were standing on, spraying them with water. Letting my curiosity get the best of me, I crept towards the corner of the beach to get a closer look. When I was near enough, a large jutting stone blocked my view. Past it, I could hear distant shouting. The sound of the ocean muted most of it, but I thought I could hear Eren's voice through the noise. I climbed around and peeked my head over so I could see over the top of the tall rock.

I could easily identify now that the people were two boys: the one far away from me being Eren; the other, with the small group of boys gathered behind him, was Porco Galliard. The group behind Porco watched quietly.

Porco and Eren seemed to be yelling at each other over the sound of the waves. Though I couldn't hear much, the air felt tense. Both boys had beads of salty water hastily splashed onto their faces, and the hostile ocean seemed to match their mood. The sleeves of Eren's jacket were pulled up to his elbows and his hair had fallen loose.

What are they fighting about?

The waves receded for a moment, and I could barely make out what the two were saying:

"You're crazy, Yeager!" Porco yelled.

"Oh, you wanna see how fucking crazy I am?!" Eren stood on the rocky shore, partially drenched, hair waving wildly in the wind. He picked up a sharp rock and held it up in the air with a crazed expression. "You wanna see?!"

My breath caught in my throat. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I didn't reveal myself. Another wave crashed, sending a spray of water over the boys.

Why are they in such a remote location? What is going on?

"A rock?!" Porco laughed without feeling, "What's that supposed to do, fucker?" He continued, tone rising, "You—"

It happened in an instant: I screamed, watching as Eren easily sliced his wrist with the pointed stone without a second thought. He grit his teeth from the pain, but stayed standing. His green eyes held a deranged look and he smiled dazedly.

Porco froze. After processing what happened, eyes glued onto the rock Eren was holding that dripped with sticky, hot blood, he snapped out of it:

"I can't get caught up in your psycho, suicidal bullshit, Yeager!" he yelled, jumping off the rock, his friends following his lead. "Fucking crazy bastard!"

The boys sprinted past me back onto the sand. A wave of salty spray hit me in the face as I pulled myself onto the large rock to Eren. He had fallen to his knees, head hanging down. In the moonlight, I could see his thick red blood pooling in the crevices of the rock.

"Eren!" I called, rushing over to him. He rocked forward weakly, but I held him steady, grabbing his arm and holding it in the light. Eren tried to pull his arm away from me, but I refused to let go. The cut was deep, but I had arrived quickly, meaning there was a small chance I could save him. While I examined the wound, I noticed the other tiny red scratches that lined both of his arms. Scratches that had long since scabbed over.

Part of my mind was already starting to make the connection— there had been so many obvious examples as to what had been going on with Eren behind the surface; I was just too ignorant to see it.

But now was not the time for reflection. I had to act.

My hands began to shake with fear as I reached for my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket to dial 911.

Eren's scathed hand pushed my phone down:

"Just let me die," he moaned.

"Are you crazy?!" I whimpered, picking my phone back up and pressing the call button. Thank God I had reception.

Why, Eren? I thought as my phone rang. How could you?

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, my name is (F/N) (L/N). I'm at Sina beach— my friend cut his wrist badly on a rock... It—" My voice cracked. I couldn't pull my eyes away from the horrible scars on Eren's wrist. How could I not have seen?

"Ma'am?" the operator prodded.

I regained control of myself, tears welling up in my eyes: "It's bleeding a lot. He— I think he needs help. Eren's—"

"JUST LET ME DIE!" Eren screamed, collapsing into my lap.

"He's trying to kill himself!!" I screeched into the phone. 

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