Chapter 19- Talk:

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Howdy~ Happy Friday everyone!!! I've got another 3 chapters for you— enjoy and pls lmk what you think!! Love u all so much!! ❤️❤️❤️

⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- drug use/mature themes

    As I finished the grueling hours of studying for my upcoming World Health exam, I made my way out of the campus library, my feet dragging out onto the university pavement. With my eyes barely open, I sluggishly took the quickest route towards my dorm room, following the dreary path by the science buildings.

    Crossing the staff parking lot, I noticed a beaten-up, black Honda Accord sitting in one of the spots. I frowned, wondering why such a piece-of-shit car would be driven by a university professor. Then again, it wasn't really my problem.

    That was, until I caught a glimpse of dark hair compiled in a loose bun, illuminated through the car's windshield. Caught off guard, I did a double take and was immediately captivated by the green eyes that shone through the cracks in the mirrors.


    I was going to just leave it be, but I remembered what Jean had said before, and I knew I had to face Eren at some point. We had gone through another week without speaking. I noticed his eyes on me, but he quickly turned his head, having the audacity to ignore me. I clenched my teeth and shamelessly made my way across the pavement, driven by my irritability from studying all night and the issue Eren and I had yet to resolve. Without thinking, when I stepped up next to his car, I banged on the window next to him.

    Forced to look at me, Eren finally rolled down his window just a crack. As soon as he did, the stench of marijuana permeated the air around me, and I nearly felt high from the brief whiff that I got. When he turned to face me, his typically perfect bright green eyes were bloodshot red.

    Pushing my anger aside, I tried speaking to him:

    "Hey," I began, trying to capture Eren's attention. He still seemed to be disinterested in me, and I honestly couldn't tell if it was because of me or the ungodly high he was probably experiencing.

    "Hey," Eren answered after what seemed like a lifetime, but probably felt much longer to him.

    "Can we talk?" I began, trying to get any sort of expression out of him.

    Eren continued staring off into space, as if I wasn't even there.

    I stared at him desperately through the window, "Listen, can I at least come in?" I probed, trying to get any sort of response out of him.

    Without answering, I heard a switch flick, and I made my way to the other side of the car. Awkwardly outside of it, I finally gathered up the courage to grasp the handle and step in. I took a seat beside him. I noticed that, despite the horrid stench, his car was somewhat clean. I also saw that Eren was dressed in the attire I was more familiar with: a loose pair of sweats, a plain white T-shirt, and his infamous navy jacket. I wasn't sure if it was the weed or the false sense of security I felt thinking that the old Eren had returned, but I relaxed slightly in the seat.

    We sat in silence for what seemed like the second lifetime that night. Although I was the one who had come to apologize and make things right, I was going to do so on my terms, meaning that Eren had to address me at least once before I started. Although, he seemed so distant and aloof that I doubted he was going to say anything. If he did speak, it would probably be to chastise me for ruining his high.

    His quiet behavior reminded me of the Eren I used to know.

    After waiting for him to speak for over ten minutes, I gave up.

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