Chapter 33- A Date?:

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    After our conversation, the two of us walked back to Eren's room to pick up his bags and check out of the hotel. He drove us back to campus and I followed him to his dorm.

    "You don't have to stay with me, you know," Eren commented, unlocking the door and throwing his bags onto the bed. "I'm fine. I promised you that I wasn't going to do anything."

    "I know," I said, standing by the door calmly. "I just..."

    I like being around you, Eren, I thought to myself. God, what a mistake. I can't really be developing feelings for this boy, right?

    I stared at Eren, watching him scoop his hair back up into a messy bun and take off his shirt to change into a fresh one. He was perfect. And, even if he didn't want me around, or if he was just using me for sex, I didn't really feel like leaving.

    Suddenly, Eren's phone started ringing. Unable to put his shirt on in time, he flung the piece of fabric over his shoulder cooly and answered the phone. I melted on the spot, turning my eyes away. I still had such a hard time seeing Eren's toned body without my face feeling hot.

    "Hello?" he answered unsurely.

    I stared at his muscular back, unable to help myself.

    Eren's eyes widened and he turned pink, "A date? When?" As soon as he processed the information, Eren started doing panicked laps around his small dorm. His voice, however remained indifferent and nonchalant.

    Wow. He's an amazing actor.

    "Uh... Yeah, that works... Mmhm..."

    The rest of Eren's conversation blurred in the background: A date? My heart shattered. So, I had missed my chance with him. I mean, I knew I had never really had a chance in the first place, but it hurt to hear anyway.

    I tried to think of who he could be talking to: Hitch? No— dating wasn't her thing. Hospital girl? Maybe. I didn't know her well enough to say. Although, Eren seemed to only see her as a friend. Historia? That was pretty likely, assuming Ymir let her ask. Eren and Historia had been talking quite a bit... And she was gorgeous. Beautiful enough to be with Eren, definitely.

    I decided in my head: he was talking to Historia. It was over for me.

    More than anything, I wanted to run out of the room in tears, but I didn't want to give Eren the wrong idea and expose myself. So, I waited, refocusing my attention to the phone call. Eren seemed to be finishing up:

    "Yeah, alright. Looking forward to it," he hung up.

    A thousand questions waited on the tip of my tongue, but I refrained. Eren dropped his phone on the bed and cracked his knuckles.

    "Sorry about that," he apologized, turning to face me. When he looked me in the eye, he froze. "Woah. You're stone-cold. Are you okay, (Y/N)?"

    I snapped out of it. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about school."

    Eren nodded in understanding. "Yep. I'm still failing Levi's class. Although, you've helped a lot. I think I might have a slim chance of passing."

    "That's great, Eren."

    Eren stepped up to me, trying to get my attention. "Are you sure you're okay?"

     "Yeah, don't worry about it," I lied, trying to keep my voice from cracking. God, why the fuck am I getting so emotional all of a sudden? It's not like she stole him from me! Eren was never mine to begin with!

    Eren chewed his lip. "Okay. Do you want to stay for dinner? We could go out for pizza, or something...?"

    "I can't tonight," I replied quickly, brushing off his invitation. "I have to go. I'll see you later, Eren."

    I opened his door abruptly and walked out, not looking back at him. All of this, and for what? I thought selfishly. I cursed myself: I should know where the line is between friends and something more. It was irritating— the fact that I knew Eren didn't really like me, and yet I still started to feel something for him. I wish I could control my emotions...


    "Oh? A date?" Hitch repeated, teeth snapping into another potato chip. "With who?"

    I shook my head, leaning my back against the wall of my dorm. I was too tense to sit down.

    "I have no idea," I said. "All I know is that it's coming up. Last night I met up with him to help him study, and we were interrupted by another call from that same girl. Right after, he said he had to cancel our plans on Friday for it."

    Yelena shifted in her seat, taking another hit from her wax pen. She was sitting on my desk, long legs hanging off of the table. It was dark outside— the three of us decided to meet up spontaneously to hang out. It was Hitch's idea. Honestly, I didn't really mind it. I liked the girls, even though the three of us together was a weird combination.

    Hitch rolled her eyes, "I can't believe you've still been hanging out with him for the past two weeks, even though you knew he was going on a date soon!"

    "Yeah. You're making things worse for yourself, (Y/N)," Yelena commented bluntly.

    I groaned. "I know, I know. But, I have to help him study! I don't want him to fail! And, I think he's finally getting better!"

    Yelena nodded. "You're right. He definitely is. Eren has been much more talkative with Floch and I when we hang out. Plus, when he pulls his sleeves back, I never see any fresh marks."

    Hitch chewed her lip. "That's great and all," she started, "But, seriously, (Y/N)— to get back on topic— you've gotta focus on something else for awhile. Are you two studying or are you still 'studying'?" she put the latter in air quotes, referencing the multiple times Eren and I had hung out in the past to do more than study together.

    "Just regular studying," I said, sighing. "I don't want to push it— especially if he has plans with another girl."

    "Okay— just because he's going on one date does not mean he's taken," Hitch commented.

    "Hitch, you're contradicting yourself," Yelena noted. "(Y/N), if you want a break, I can help Eren with school for the time being." She waved at Hitch for a potato chip. "But, it's up to you."

    "Do you actually like this kid?" Hitch asked, raising an eyebrow. "'Cause if the answer is 'yes'... Well, I've just got to be brutally honest and say that that's super dep—"

    A harsh stare from Yelena cut Hitch off.

    I crossed my arms. "I don't know how I feel about him, to be honest. It could just be me being possessive because I'm worried about him. Either way, I just want these feelings to disappear."

    "Well, I don't know what to tell you, (Y/N)," Hitch said. "I'm not good at giving advice. I just do whatever makes me feel good and worry about the consequences later."

    I shifted my gaze towards Yelena, looking for guidance. She shrugged.

    "I'm not sure what to say either. Just listen to Hitch, I guess, since she's the only one offering anything."

    I shook my head, laughing apathetically to myself. "God, I'm digging myself into a hole I'll never get out of, huh?"

    Hitch laughed, "You're a main character. It's what you do best."

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