The First Allseeker

Start from the beginning

It took a few minutes before he was able to calm them down again, "Yes, I am suggesting that the language being used here is the same language that was seen on the monoliths at the Red planet. Everyone you see here." He motioned to his little band of humans, "Are capable of understanding the recordings, though there are plenty of people who can't, and as far as I can tell, no nonhuman that can understand them."

"And what exactly do these recordings say." It was the Drev counselor who spoke up this time.

Admiral Vir scratched his head, "Well.... I don't want to be alarming, but the recordings detail.... What I believe to be the beginning of life in our universe."

Another chorus of gasps from the assembled delegates.

"Of course we will be providing transcripts of the recordings.

"If only humans can understand the recordings, than how can we trust you aren't just making it up." This was the Bran delegate, who had never liked admiral vir.

Though the admiral remained patient and understanding, "We are having our linguists take a look at the structure of the language, hopefully they can translate it for you. Logically speaking it would be a stupid thing to lie about a language that can be translated by your own scientists, furthermore, what we have discovered puts humans at no advantage."

"And what exactly do these recordings say?" The chairwoman asked

The human turned to look back at the pedestal, "Well essentially it implies the existence of a creator race called Makers, and their leader called the architect who..... were designing bodies capable of holding something called an Anima, which we are tentatively assuming to be something similar to the soul."

More uproar.


"No such thing!"

He patiently waited out the outcry surprised as a slow hand was raised in the crowd as the human delegate stepped forward, "What you are saying is that these recordings imply the existence of god."

Adam shifted uncomfortably, "Well, not exactly."

The man waved a hand, "The "architect"." He held out his hands, "That is sounding just a little bit suspect to me admiral."

"Yes, yes. I know what it sounds like, but..... but its more complicated than that. We've been listening to these recordings and it..... well it isn't just some mumbo jumbo about magic or religion or something like that. Its science on a cosmic scale, stuff that I can barely understand much less comprehend. You can't just boil it down like that without having heard it."

"Well then, why don't you turn one on and let us hear it."

"You mean YOU, since the rest of us won't be able to understand." It was the Celzex delegate who pointed that out, and it caused a mummering to rise within the group of aliens.

Adam shook his head, "We recorded the first transcript for you. You are going to need it if you listen to the rest."

The delegation wasn't exactly pleased about it, but they were as intrigued as they were skeptical. All of this seemed to some, like an elaborate ploy by the humans, and the only reason they weren't sure that it was, was because there didn't seem to be a concrete end goal in mind. Everything the admiral was saying had really no bearing on anything political between the group of them. If anything a discovery like this was likely only to cause uproar among their own people.

No one entirely knew what to think.

And they certainly didn't know what to think as they listened to the transcribed recording, read in their chaplain maverick's voice.

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