[ 001 ]

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[ 001 - This Bitch ]
( Word Count - 1230 )
- Written on June 21st 2021 -
• Unedited Because Ya Boi Lazy •

"And then he just fucking died." I tell my chat with a small huff as I keep one of my hands on my glowing keyboard and use the other to fix the black baseball cap which I am wearing. It was something I was pretty well known for with my audience, they hadn't seen me without a cap or hoodie covering the top of my head so far which was rather amusing. I was also wearing a pair of clout goggles as I had hit my goal for subs earlier in the week. "I think Tommy might have over fucking fed him. Then again Bubbles was a fat fucker anyways." I say with a small shrug and go into third person to see my own character, pressing shift knowing that it must look awkward to other players in the bed wars game which I was in the process of winning.

"Rip Bubbles," The robotic voice reads out to me and my eyes travel off of the screen while I collect some of the gold and iron which is gathering in the generator. I nod a little as I watch the numbers climb, knowing that I will need to buy a few things. "Are we ever going to get a stream with Tommy?" The person asks through the robot and I give my camera a small look before rolling my eyes lightly although there is still an amused smile across my face as I go to buy some golden apples.

"Bruh." I say to both the person who had asked the question and the person who had tried to take my bed. I click my mouse a few times and grin a little as they fall off of the edge. "Dumb as hell." I mutter as I see that they had been holding a shit ton of diamonds which I spend in seconds. "Bubbles had it coming for him so he will live on in our minds, I guess." I add with another shrug, sending a fireball across the map and managing to knock the person off and into the void which got me a final kill. My eyes move to the side of my screen to see that there is only me and one other person left, neither of us having our beds. "Not like there is much going on up there anyways." I tease them a little, starting to run around the center of the map as I look for the other person.

"Hey Kodee," I nod a little in the direction of my face cam but my eyes stay locked on monitor which is front of me as I build upwards. My eyes scan the map, searching for where the last person could be. "Can you say hi to the stars group chat? Hope you have a good day."

"Hah, I see what you did there." I laugh a little under my breath with a grin growing on my face as I do so. My chat had decided to start calling themselves stars since my username in Minecraft was MoonDemon. It worked rather well as I thought about it. "Hello stars group chat from yours truly." I grin a little but it falls when I don't see the last person anywhere on the map but I do see a lot of their blocks placed around everywhere. "Ok, green, where is this last fucker?" I ask myself and chat even though they would have no clue. I do a small spin and my eyes light up when I see the character with green armor moving from base to base. "There he is, green my beloved." I clutch blocks as I make my way down to the ground again and start to head towards my base where the other player is clearly looking for me.

I make my way across the bridge I had made during the beginning of the round and see him crouch as I start to approach him. We stay like that for a second, our characters staring at each other and my eyes locked on the person who is wearing green armor. I press tab to see what their name is and a grin breaks across my face as they eat a golden apple.

"This bitch," I swear as he throws a fireball at me and I roll my eyes lightly, using the fireball which I had bought to jump over him and land on the platform where my bed was already broken. "Imagine being named Boomer," I say the grin growing across my face as his health goes down even with the help of his golden apple. "And being dog water. I could never." I scoff although a grin continues to grow across my face as the winning message goes across my screen. I throw my hands up and spin in my chair happily at the win because I was keeping the streak which was getting pretty high.

"You're in a lobby with Boomer!" A message comes through and I make a small face, tilting my head to the side because they must have been typing that message when we had been fighting at my island. I press the button to return to Hypixel's main lobby. "He is live on Twitch too!" The voice reads out and I look over at my chat for the first time in a hot minute to see that they were all spamming the same name even though my mods had literally just turned on slow mode.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I lean forwards in my chair again, looking at my second monitor where I can see my chat spamming the name over and over again. I take a sip of my monster and puff out my cheeks for a second before rolling my eyes as they don't move on. "Who the fuck is BoomerNA and why aren't we celebrating my win?" I ask, throwing the newly empty pink monster can over my shoulder with a small grin reappearing on my face as I hear it land in the trash can behind me. "My own chat," I say dramatically when I see that they are still going on about him. "You absolute brats with daddy issued." I tease them and stretch slightly as I go to see how long we had been live and am slightly shocked when it says I've only been online for an hour. "Kidding, kidding," I laugh as I look back to my chat but see that none of them have even reacted. "Wow," I stare at the screen, actually starting to get slightly annoyed at the new spam. "For real? No one even cares about me anymore." I say dramatically with a small laugh as I message my mods telling them to up the timeout time a little more then before to try and slow the spam. "Hold the fuck on, you all said his name was BoomerNA?" I ask and see that people are freaking out and they are telling me that I had the right name. "Pog, give me a fucking second."

Twitter •

Who the fuck is @/BoomerNA and why is
he so dog water? Come get your simps bro,
they are fucking having a panic attack in my
chat and I have a newfound hatred for them.
18:32 PM • 2021-03-01 • Twitter for iPhone

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