Part 2 - Sarah Cameron

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"Hey Kie!" Brie said as she walked down the hall into her room. "I'm bored, can we go out?"

"Eh, sure. Where to?" Kie said getting up.

"Hmmm....Oh maybe-"

"Do not say the bar, it's only 10:00 am." Kie deadpanned.

"Ugh, fine. John B's place?" Brielle offered.

"Okay, fine." Kie said, then got up and grabbed both her and Brie's bag and handed one to her, then they walked downstairs.

"Hey Mr. Carrera." Brielle said as they walked downstairs. "Mrs. Carrera."

"Hey girls." They both said. "Where you off to?"

"John B's." Kiara said.

"Okay, just be home on time." Kiaras father said.

"All right." Kie said with a tone, then they opened the door and left.


"Heyyy." Kie said walking into the house where JJ and Pope were hanging out in the main room.

"Hey, where's Brie?" JJ asked. "I got a weapon ready in case she attacks me."

"Why would she attack you?" Kie asked as she set her bag down.

"Because they're in love but act like they hate each other." Pope said rolling his eyes.

"Trust me we do not like each other." JJ said serious.

"Oh really?" Kie asked sarcastically.

"Kie, she attacks me with knives!" JJ said with a raised tone.

"That don't mean shit, blondie." Pope chuckled.

Then Brielle kicked the door open and walked in with her hands full. "The cute ones here." She said.

"I've been here all day what do you mean?" JJ laughed, knowing he pissed her off.

"Oh please this house is lucky I've even stepped foot in it, unlike you." Brielle said as she set her stuff down.

"Oh, really?" JJ asked.

"Here we go again, Kie help me hide the sharp stuff." Pope said.

"Yeah, I can see a resemblance to shrek, and I'm starting to see a green change in your skin tone and bumps on your forehead." Brielle said.

"You wanna bet?" JJ said stepping towards her.

"Yeah I do." Brielle said and then JJ grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder.

"They're in love, can't tell me otherwise." Kiara said.

"Yep, it's official." Pope said as JJ carried her out of the house.

"JJ, let me go!" Brielle yelled as she pinched his skin.

"Ow! Stop that!" JJ laughed.

"No!" Brielle yelled and slapped his bare back.


"Put. Me. Down." Brielle said, then JJ threw her back over his shoulder onto the grass.

"All right, wrestle. Now." JJ said as he stood in a wrestling defense.

"Wait, you're serious?" Brielle laughed.

"Hell yeah, who's the shrek wannabe now?" JJ said.

"You." Brielle said bluntly, then JJ charged at her but he didn't catch her as she quickly moved out of the way.

The Pogue Queen (JJ Maybank)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora