Chapter 22

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The thing about my sister is that she is very stubborn. If something is a 'no' then that's a no and if something is a 'yes' then that's a yes. No one had ever been able to make her change her decision. Whatever she things is hers that thing is exclusively her only. 

She doesn't like to share. But she shares with me. Do you know why? Because she thinks I am her sister, exclusively only her sister. That's true, I am her only Sweetpea. 

She always been a overprotective sister to me. The only reason that I had never dated is because of her. She never allowed any guys to talk to me. Well she did it because she loves me and I am okay with that.

She was always by my side. I had never hidden anything from her. And now that she is getting engaged I know she is very bothered by that. But if that engagement means profit to her or the company I think she will agree.

I love my sister. I will support her decision whatever it is. 

I finished my cereal and it was 7:40am. I called Mike.

"Good morning Y/N"

"Good morning. I want to go to office now. Can you pick me up?"

" Surely I am coming."

"ok bye"

I ended the call. He never questions any of my demands.

Normally office starts at 9 to 9:30 am. I just want to go to the office early today. 

I locked my door and went out of my apartment. I went inside my car.

"Thank you Mike for coming in such a short notice. I am sorry I called you earlier without caring that whether you want to come or not" I said.

" No problem y/n. Its my duty. You should always call me whenever you need something."

"Sorry I disturbed your sleep early morning"

" No you didn't. So don't worry." I nodded. Soon Mike took me to my office.

When I entered the office. It was really silent. 

When I was walking towards my office room I heard some conversation going inside the Mechanics department. 

I went towards the door and saw Seokie is talking with someone. But I can't see his face. So unintentionally I started to eavesdrop. 

" See. I can't tell him. Can I? I don't think he will reciprocate. I really want him to pay attention to me but I can't make him do so. I want him to spend time with me. I want him to love me the way I do. Can you make him do it. I know you can't. Because you are as helpless as I am. But atleast Hyung talks with you" Seokie said.

"He does." I think I know the owner of the voice. Its Minie.

Minie continues " Yoongi hyung talks with me recently because of Y/N. But whenever he speaks either it is because of  the work or to say something about y/n. I can't talk with him about other matters, he never pays attention to them. He has been like that to me ever since that incident."

"I know that if I can reverse the time, then I would never let that incident happen in the first place. It destroyed the friendship and bond we made with ourselves. It destroyed the love we had. I am happy that because of Y/N they are coming close to us but I wonder if Y/N would had not come, then will they be with us." Seokie said.

" Hmm I don't know . Honestly I am happy that Y/N is putting effort for us and our company. But the thing she is doing unconsciously is making everyone fall for her. I know by the behaviour Yoongi Hyung has around Y/N is because he loves her and I think same goes for Namjoon hyung as well. I can't deny but I fell for Y/N as well but my love for Yoongi hyung makes me come back to him." Minie said.

" You are right. I know how it feels. I know because I like y/n too but my love for her is not as deep as for Namjoon. And the reason he is so upset and angry these days because of the fact that Y/N is dating. That's the reason he shouted at me yesterday because he is affected. I know that I can't make him look to me neither you can make Yoongi hyung look at you. But I know one person who can do it..." Seokie said.

" Its y/n right." Minie said and Seokie nodded. 

" I know but can we tell her. No we can't. We can't make her involve in a mess we had made. She is young and innocent to play the game of love. I am happy that both you and me has sorted out our emotion and didn't ended up like Taehyung and Jin Hyung. I can't help but feel angry towards Jin hyung that he made Y/N to be part of the mess and moreover he is using her as an replacement to Taehyung. Isn't it. He thinks we can't see that but believe me I saw that." Minie said.

" I know and I feel bad for Y/N that she is getting used without knowing. Jin Hyung can say that he loves her but I know his love for Y/N is just like the attraction we have for y/n. Its not love but a mere attraction. I feel bad for y/n, if she falls in love with Jin Hyung she will get heartbroken because in the end of the day Jin Hyung only have a certain person in his heart he can forget." Seokie said.

I definitely know that. I know Jinnie like Tae. I know that. Thats the only reason I agreed to date him. I wanted to make him fall for Tae again. 

I never thought that all will fall for me but now I think I need to make their heart complete. If thats means I have to tell Minie and Seokie my plan then I will. I will not let them feel so alone like this. They are my friends. I will talk to them.

I started to leave the place. Me being a clumsy person. I knocked off the pen stand that was on the table near the door . 

It fell with a sound loud enough for both of them to turn towards me. Our eyes meet.

" Y/N, what are you doing here?"

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