Chapter 37

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"What the hell Jungkook? Are you insane?" I asked him. I got more angry.


He is still standing there. " I know what I did. She needs to know her limit. She shouldn't be bugging in our lives." He said. 

I don't know how much longer I can hold my anger. 

" Are you serious? She didn't crossed her limits. She did everything because he cares about our happiness. DON'T YOU REALISE THAT?" I shouted again.

" Happiness, my foot. If she care about our happiness then she should have known what to do. Then she shouldn't have hurt V Hyung like that. She always plays cupid. Why does she needs to do that. She is our CEO, that's it. She thinks she is our friend and that gives her the right to involve herself in our lives matter. Her match making games can have dangerous consequences. Moreover she doesn't even know what happened in the past. So tell me why should I trust her?" He said.

Before I can answer, V interrupted " She knows what happened Jungkook. I told her. Jin Hyung did too." 

" BUT SHE IS AN OUTSIDER" Jungkook said. I couldn't control my anger anymore so I slapped him. 

The last time I slapped someone was the day after that incident. 

"W-Why?" Jungkook uttered. 

"Jimin why did you do that?" V asked me as he tried to hold me back. " How dare he. How can he say that. Doesn't he knows what she has done for us. She did everything for us. She never hesitated to help us. Yet how could he say that. Tell me" I said.

" Jungkook, Jimin is correct. She did everything she can for us. She could have just left us like we were before. She could easy left us in unhealed condition but she choose to make us and hyungs together again. Do you know why? Its because she cares for our happiness. Because she values our smiles. Because she believes that she is our friend and help us with anything without hesitation. Do you know how much courage it take to do so. The guts we lack, she has that. So value it." V said.

Every word that V said it correct. It takes a lot of courage to do the things she did for us. The same courage that we lack.

" Nobody asked her to prove her courage. Nobody asked her to care for our happiness.  What if someone's heart breaks again in this cupid game. Have you thought of the consequence. She is a child. She is not matured to understand what is love. How could you trust her?" Jungkook said.

This guy is seriously having some problem. I can't understand why he is having so much trouble accepting her. Not only today, but from the very first day , when Y/N joined us.

" We are matured but did we able to do anything to make things go back to how it used to be in high school. We didn't. But she did even if she is immature. I agree, not everything is back to normal, but atleast we were talking to our Hyungs like before, something that we were unable to do until Y/N came to our life." V said.

" Even Hoseok Hyung and Namjoon Hyung is dating happily. I felt the happiness in his voice, the happiness that went missing for years." I said.

" Ok but what about others huh? And tell me what if she breaks someone's heart again in this game." Jungkook asked.

I am getting really angry now.   Either he is not understanding at all or either he is understanding everything but denying to accept it.

" Our hearts are already broken, it can't break more. It can only be healed now. But do you know what, you won't understand so don't even ask about it" I said.

" I am getting it but you aren't. I-" I interrupted Jungkook. He need to stop.

" Either you stop right now or get out" I said.

I went inside my room and slammed my door closed.


I am crying in my bed heart out. It been an hour it happened yet I can't stop my tears. I am hurt very badly.

My phone kept ringing and it was Minie. I took my phone and silent it. I don't have the heart to talk to anyone right now.

Whatever Kook had told me today is completely true. I do interfere in their life more than I should. I forgot my place in their life which is being their CEO.

Yes I asked them to be my friend. But I took the opportunity of our friendship and dug into their personal life more than I should.

I regret it now. I don't know what to do. But I do know a person I should talk to now,  about whatever happened and ask for the solution of these mess.

I took my phone and called my sister. She picked after few rings.

"What's up Sweetpea. Is everything alright?" She asked me in a concerned voice.

"No" I answered as I tried to hold my cries.

"What happened? Are you ok?" She asked me. I can tell she is very worried about me.

"Sis........." I told her everything.  Everything that happened.

"Hmm I understand. But there is only one solution to this problem. " She said.

" What is it Sis?" I asked her.

" See, I know you very well. I know that you cannot do it. Its hard to do , especially for you." She said and went silent.

" Tell me, I am ready to do anything for them, so that they don't feel like I am interfering with their lives." I said to her.

I can do anything for their happiness. They are they one who made me feel home. They are the one who made me feel happy and comfortable. 

" I know its hard but, you should stop being friends with them" She said.


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