Chapter 39

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I am shocked by Y/N's behaviour right now. I am speechless. So speechless that I can't even talk to her. What exactly happened overnight. Because she was fine when she was in my apartment.

Not to mention, she didn't even use the nicknames she generally use for us. 

"You ruined it Jungkook, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW" Jimin screamed. What did I miss in one night.

All of our eyes went to Kookie. He was standing there gazing at the table. Jimin's eyes were literally on fire. I have never seen him this angry.

Jimin went to Jungkook and grabbed his collar. And made Jungkook face him. " I remember asking you something, answer me. ARE YOU HAPPY JUNGKOOK? ARE YOU FREAKING SATISFIED, LOOK WHAT HAVE YOU DONE. DO YOU REALISE HOW MUCH YOU HAVE HURTED HER?" Jimin shouted his lungs out at Jungkook.

" Jimin calm down" Tae said as he went to Jimin and made him release Jungkook's collar. " HOW THEY HELL DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN. TELL ME." Jimin shouted again.

Me, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi are just standing there. None of us have any idea about what happened earlier that made Jimin so mad and angry towards Jungkook.

" Jimin, I know. But calm down, will you. Please get a hold of yourself, shouting won't solve the problem." Tae said as he tries to calm Jimin down.

Tae made Jimin sit on a chair. But Jimin broke down immediately. " Seriously-y, h-how could-d y-you b-behave like-e t-that J-Jungkook, how-w could-d y-you?" he said as he was crying.

And Jungkook was staring the life out of the table. I couldn't keep quite anymore so I asked " What happened ?" .

Yoongi also did " Yeah what happened? Jimin you got angry at Jungkook and broke down,  what exactly happened between four of you?"

Jimin started crying harder. " W-why don't-t you a-ask that p-person standing-g over there-e." He said. Everyone looked at Jungkook expecting an answer from him but he stayed quite.

" Care you explain what happened , because some of us are still living under the rocks" Yoongi said out of frustration.

" I will tell you" Tae said. He told us the whole story.

"Holy crap. How could you do that Jungkook. Do you have any idea how much she did for us, do you?" Hobi said as he was tearing up too.

I am shocked. I don't know what to say anymore. I don't understand why Jungkook is so rude towards Y/N from the very first day. 

All I can see now is mess. How much the situation is messed up. 


I don't want to feel guilty but I can't help it. All my hyungs are disappointed in me. 

I lost control of my speech yesterday night and now this happened. I should have known the consequences. I didn't thought that it could have hurt Y/N this much that she changed.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard " We need to talk Jungkook" and my eyes meet with Yoongi hyung.


I soon reached the meeting room where the next meeting is supposed to be happen. I can say, by the look Mike has been giving me, it's obvious that he didn't buy my words, when I told him I am ok.

Soon the boards meeting went well. " Well that went longer than expected." I said as I came out of the meeting room.

"yeah. But it went well, isn't it?" Mike asked me. " Yup. And now I am hungry." I said as my stomach is grumbling. 

" Ok. We can have lunch now in your office and then we will leave for the last meeting. So tell me what do you want to eat?" Mike asked.

I don't want to have lunch here. I don't know why I don't feel like it. Maybe its because I don't want to face them or have a talk with them. Because it hurts as hell when I have to talk with them in that manner. 

It hurts.

"Hmm I want to go out for lunch and then directly leave for meeting from there." I said. Mike looked at me then said "Ok. Then should we leave now? Or you want to leave later because you have 2 hours left for the meeting"

"Lets go now. I want to go now, I am very hungry. Just let me grab my things from the office" I said and dashed towards my office.

I went inside and grabbed my phone and purse. I was about to leave when I heard a knock. " Come In" 

Minie, I mean Mr. Park came inside. He looked like he was crying for hours. He eyes were red and puffy. Now I feel more bad.

" Y/N please. Listen to me. We are sorry. Please don't be like this. Its Jungkook fault. You know how short tempered he is. He just said that rubbish because he was angry. Please don't take it seriously.  He doesn't mean anything he said. Please forgive him." He said.

Up until now I wasn't mad at anyone other than Mr. Jeon but now I am mad at Mr. Park too. How can he think that I will take all those words lightly like it was nothing at all.

"Mr. Park, I remember telling you to call me Mam or Miss Y/N , not Y/N. And I am very aware whose fault was that. He speaks rubbish when he is angry is his concern. And saying rubbish while being angry isn't good excuse for hurting someone else feeling. And it also doesn't mean that someone will take it lightly. Because I am not, I am not taking any of those words lightly. And I won't forgive him at all. Once acceptable, twice ok forgiven but thrice not at all. And I agree its kind of my fault to that I went overboard with friendship and went deep into you guys personal life. Which I shouldn't have done it so I am sorry for that. But as I said earlier, I don't want to discuss this personal factor in the office. I am your CEO and you are my employees, there should be a line and this time I promise I won't cross it." I said.

"But Y/N-" 

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