Chapter 13

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(same day, in the morning)

Today is y/n final admission to the college. After today she will be finally a college student. So we thought to celebrate today.

Within the last month we all became very close and started to open up. We spend lot of time together with hyungs and its all thanks to y/n.

I had a feeling that she will make everything right. We started to get close to hyungs just like in high school. Its really nice.

So today we planned to throw her a surprise party. This was Hobi's idea. We all agreed and planned it few days ago.

So basically she will go to the college first, then to the interview and last she will definitely visit office even if its late.

After she will be here in evening, we will be holding an emergency meeting and then boom...surprise her.

" V ah, did you brought the balloons?" Kookie asked. " I brought everything just look in the bag." From the early morning things are going little hectic as we speak.

I and V went to shopping yesterday for the party. We brought many things for the decoration. The food section was managed by Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung.

We are supposed to leave the apartment after y/n and Joonie hyung will leave for the admission. We don't want our surprise to get ruined in any cost.

" We have to decorate the meeting room, so I suggest both of you to stop panicking and save energy for later. " I said to both of them.

After an hour we left the apartment.


We reached the office and went to the meeting room. 

Me, V hyung and Chim started taking out the supplies from the bag.

" GOOD MORNING" Hobi came in shouting. " I AM SO EXCITED" he said and did an wiggly dance.

I giggled. Can't deny but I am enjoying this. Spend time with hyungs , laughing with them, everything is reminding me of the past.

" Hey do you want to stand there or mind helping? " Chim asked me. "I will help." I said and took the deco from his hand and started arranging it.

" We got the food." Yoongi hyung came along with Jin hyung.

" We brought everything but there is one confusion." Jin hyung said. " What" Hobi hyung asked.

" I am not sure, are we suppose to arrange a cake too?" He said. " well yeah" I answered.

" I think we should go and buy one, but I don't know which flavor she like?" Hobi hyung said. " Well she eat an chocolate ice cream when we went to the amusement park. So I think she likes chocolate" I said with confidence.

" Oh, someone here pays attention to minute details about her" Hobi said in a teasing voice.

But to my surprise Yoongi hyung blushed and then made a poker face and said" Well now that we figured it out, lets go before she arrives". 

With that Yoongi hyung and I left for the cake. But I am sure Yoongi hyung knows something that no one else does.


I am quite amazed that Kookie tagged along with Yoongichi to buy cake. That guy is not always interested in anything but this time...

"Let complete the deco here before they arrive." I said. With that we all started to do the decoration for her.

But sometimes I saw Tae taking glares at me.

We are not doing good after the trip. But I am ok with it. I think that y/nie had noticed but she didn't asked anything though.

As we finished Kookie and Yoongichi had already returned. They brought an amazing chocolate cake. 

" Who choose it guys? Its amazing." I said. " Him" Yoongichi said and pointed at Kookie.

" amazing choice Kookie." Chim said. " I know" Kookie replied and nodded his head.

Now we are all set and wait for y/nie.


Just as I opened the door of the meeting room. *BOOM* and saw confetti across me. 

"w-what..."I can't even make my words out correctly. I am so surprised. 

" Congratulation for being an college student. A new life awaits for you to begin. " Jinnie said. "Yup you will discover many things and it will be aswm. " Minie said.

I was so touched that I couldn't even utter a word. I never knew that they think so much about me. From everything here I can say that they really care for me and accepted me. 

"T-thank you. I j-just don't know what to say. T-thank you very m-much." I said. I was tearing up. 

"Hey hey hey, why are you crying? did you not like it?" Tae asked in panicked. " N-no I l-love it. Its just t-that I-i didn't e-expected it. I l-love you g-guys s-so m-much. T-thank you f-for b-being there f-for m-me." I said while sniffing.

I was still sniffing when I felt someone hugging me. It was nice and a warm one. I opened my eyes and saw Tae.

"I- We love you too. No need to thank us. We should be the one thanking you because because of you we all became close." Tae said while hugging me tighter.

" Enough of thanking party now lets cut the cake, I am hungry." Yoon said.

" A c-cake" I said while releasing Tae from the hug. " Yup we did prepare one." Tae said.

With that Minie entered with a cake and all started singing." Happy college life to you~~"                   (a/n: hehe sorry I can't think of anything better......)

This is the best day of the life. Having your close friend around who genuienly like you and cares for you. I am in cloud nine right now. I am so happy that I can't even tell.

" Such a pretty cake" I said. " yup Kook choose it for you." Yoon said. I looked at Kook, our eyes meet and he blushed.

In the past month me and Kook got closer. Well he didn't completely stopped bad mouthing me but he reduced it. He started to open up which I think great. 

" Now lets cut it" Seokie said.

I cutted the cake and fed to everyone one by one.

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