Chapter 11

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So with that we all went in. Tae rode it with me. Through the whole ride the only word he was shouting was " Very fast".

We both came to the end. I was laughing hysterically. And he was giving angry glares. " You told me that it was not fast. It was very fast. I trusted you y/n" He said. I was laughing so hard that I can't even answer properly.

"W-well it w-was indeed very f-fast. B-but It was s-so f-fun to. i-isn't it?" I said while laughing. . . " " Yeah yeah very fun" Tae said. Others came to end one by one.

"It was sure fun" Joonie said. " Yup" Minie said. "I was scared but still it was fun" Seokie said. " It was fun but I am tired" Jinie said. " More like scared" Kook mocked him.

" I am skipping" Jinie said. " Yeah me too. I can't anymore" Tae said while taking deep breaths.

"B-but-" " No buts y/nie. I am beat." Jinie said and Tae nodded. " You are no fun" I said while pouting.

I saw Yoon sleeping in one of the beach benches. Now it is his time. With that I went to Yoon and started to wake him up. " y/n don't wake him up or else you have too face his anger." Joonie warned me but me being stubborn..

"Yoon wake up. We came here to have fun not to sleep" I told him and he just hummed. " HEY  YOON WAKE UP OR ELSE I WILL DRAG YOU IN THE POOL HELPLESSLY." I shouted and luckily he woke up.

"lets go" I dragged him and rest of them followed me except Tae and Jinnie.

We had spend lot of time in water now to the land.


(When everyone left them alone during water rides.)

I said " Hey hyung." Jin just looked at me and said " hi". " hyung how are you been?" " It none of your concern." Jin said with a scroff.

" Are you still angry with me. Look I-" Jin interrupted him. " Don't start again pls. I had enough. I am trying to forget and move on. So don't dare to bring it up again. I only came here because y/n asked me too. So pls don't spoil my mood."

" Hyung look I went there but Namjoon-" " I said stop it Taehyung. Namjoon did nothing wrong. It was you. YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE ME THEN. YOU DIDN'T STAY BY MY SIDE WHEN I NEEDED THE MOST. MY HEART WAS CRUSHED THAT DAY AND NEVER HEALED YET. I DON'T WANT TO GET HURT MORE. SO STOP IT" Jin shouted at me.

 I am really feeling very guilty. " JIN LOOK I WANTED TO BELIVE YOU BUT I COULDN'T AFTER WHAT I SAW. TRUST ME JIN, I CAN HEAL YOUR HEART JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE. PLS" I was really begging to him at this point.

" I had enough. Now leave or stay quite." Jin said and went to a seat far away from me. I messed up big time but I am equally hurt. I just don't know what to do.

Two people had heard their entire conversation.


We had a huge fun in the land rides too. We ate different yummy foods too. But both Tae and Jinie looked disturbed. And now the last thing is the BIG FERRIS WHEEL.

" Lets go" I said while licking my chocolate ice cream. " " Now two people can together at one car. So lets pair up." Joonie said. 

After having a stone paper scissors battle the pair was Seokie and Chim, Jinnie and Kook, Joonie and Tae and lastly me and Yoon.

Both me and Yoon went together in. I was still licking my ice cream.


Both me and y/nie sat down. She was looking beautiful as the lights of the park was reflecting on her. She turned towards me and smiled sweetly.

This moment reminds me of the past. When me and him used to spend time together.

" Hey y/n, thank you for bringing me here today with you. I really had a huge fun. Thank you for coming in our life." I said . 

She was just looking at me smiled and said. " No thank you Yoon. I really had fun too. To be very honest, the reason I brought all of you here along with me is because the other day I shouted at you, and others too, I was really feeling guilty about it and I wanted to make it up. And I don't want anyone of you to think me as a burden to your life-" I interrupted her by kissing her forehead.

" You are not a burden to us but a princess whom we want to treasure. This is your the third day here in this country and as well as with us. But I can tell you really are a good person." I said and she blushed.

" Thank you" she said. She was looking so cute that I couldn't help and pecked her lips. She was shocked so I lied to her and said " This is a way to say 'thank you from bottom of my heart' here. trust me" and she nodded.

The ride came to and end. And we all went to a restaurant to have dinner. After that we went back to our car. Now this time y/n was in our car instead of Namjoon.

I started driving. Chim was in passenger seat and in back was y/n and Kookie. To our surprise, Y/n felt asleep in half way. She was peacefully sleeping in Kookie's shoulder.

Jimin suddenly said " She is very cute and modest." I couldn't agree more and said " yup and she is unique too." Jimin stared at me and hummed. 


Sleepy head was peacefully sleeping in my shoulder. I didn't disturbed her and let her sleep. Sure anyone would be tired after jumping around whole day like a kid.

what even I am saying, she is a kid , a very beautiful and cute one. I was lost in my thoughts and kept staring at her.

Suddenly Yoongi hyung said snapping me back at reality " Don't stare at her she will think that you are creepy."

" Hyung, she is sleeping. And by the way how as your time with her in the ferris wheel?" I asked and hyung blushed but didn't say a thing and just drove.

I just gave up and started to look outside the window.

Childish CEONơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ