Chapter 47

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"Yes. She have a dinner date with me. I want to take my girlfriend out for a nice dinner date. Sorry but she is taken" I said.

That bastard really think that he can have a chance with Y/N. I saw how much he was smiling and I can guarantee that this guy is having some kind of dirty thoughts running over that shitty head of his.

I saw the shock registered in Y/N's face after hearing my thoughts. But I can't help it. I can feel how much she is creeped out by him. And I know that she can't deny because he is one of the directors but he is a bullshit to me, so I did it.

I moved next to Y/N and intertwined our hands. She was first stiff but soon she became relaxed and held my hand tight. So I held he tight too. 

"Its correct Mr. Jay." She said with little hesitation but it was fine. I can see his face changing colours. 

He opened his mouth to say something nasty but I gave him my coldest glare. He stopped from saying it. I guess my glares worked.

"Ok I see. That's good then. I must leave now. See you in next meeting" He said and dashed out of the room.   


 I was still overcoming from the whole incident but I signed in relief as soon as Mr. Jay went outside the room.

"Oh that guy is something. I so badly wanted to punch his face for talking like that. The audacity." Mike said.

"Yeah totally what a creepy bastard he were" Mr. Min said.  Honestly he was very creepy. 

"Thank you Mike. Thank you Jungkook for pulling me out from that situation. I honestly didn't know how to deny him but you guys really saved me there. Thanks" I said with a soft smile.

"No problem Y/n. I told you I will always have your back" Mike said and smiled but Jungkook was still in silence. Mike elbowed him.

"Hmmm y-yeah no p-problem" He said but he was flustered. That moment I realised that I am still holding his hands. So I quickly let it go.

"Guys I think Mr. Jeon is too shy to talk to y/n in front of us. Let's give them some privacy to talk. Let's go outside" Mr. Jung said and smiled.

Soon he pushed everyone out of the room and they all left smiling and laughing. Leaving me and Jungkook in the room alone.

"umm y-yeah, I-I" Jungkook was trying to say something but it is all coming out in mumble. So cute.

I started giggling and he went deep shade of red.


I am stuttering so badly. And she is giggling because of that. And on top of it, I blushed which I never ever did before.

"  You are so cute, Mr. Jeon. I never seen this side of yours. But I am happy that I witness this today. And thank you Mr. Jeon to save me earlier. I will leave now, but again thanks." She said and started walking towards the door.

She finds me cute. No one other than hyungs ever told me that I am cute, she is the first person to do so. I feeling so happy inside. There is something I wanted.

"Y/N, umm s-since we t-told Mr. director-r that we w-will be out-t for a d-date, what if h-he checks-s and-d see we-e weren't-t, so I t-thought Maybe-e" I couldn't even finish my words when she started giggling again.

" want to go out for a dinner date? " She asked while smiling.

Oh god she guessed it, I am blushing so hard and stuttering as well and she is finding everything cute. I don't know what to do. I composed myself and said.

"yeah, I want to take you out for a dinner date, will you go with me?" I asked looking at her. She smiled again.

"Yes I will. You helped me big time today, so yeah" She said and left the room while smiling. And I am left here all happy.


Hahaha he was so cute there. I can't even control my laughter. 

 We soon all left for the other meeting. All went well. It was 5pm when we returned back to the hotel.

I went to my room and I remember that I have a dinner date with Jungkook. I went all smile after remembering incident earlier today.

"he so cute, never in my dream I ever thought I will see this side of his, but I liked it." I said to myself and smiled again.

Gosh he is making me smile so much. 

I got dressed up. Since I don't know where we are going, I putted a semi-formal top and a red skirt.

I soon got a knock in my door, I opened it, "Oh Mr. Jeon" I said.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah I am. Let's go, Mr. Jeon" I said as I came out of the room and started to lock the door.

"Umm.. will you not call me Mr. Jeon? " He suddenly asked me. I stared at him " Umm not atleast in a date, please" He said shying.

"Ok I will call you Jungkook but only for today's date" I said. To my surprise he looks happy. 

Soon we go out of the hotel and there was a car waiting for us. We got in. " So where are we going?" I asked him. "you will know" He said smiling. 

The view outside is amazing. We got down in front of a nice resturant. We entered.

The waitress greeted us. "Dining with us". " A table was reserved under Mr. Jeon" He said to thhe waitress. "Yes. Please follow me" she said and we followed her.

Surprisingly she took us to an outside setting. The setting was lighted up with candles and flowers all around and it was very beautiful. I am really stunt.

I thought it was a dinner, normal dinner. This is not something that I expected.

"Do you like it" He asked me. I said smiling " Yeah totally, this is beautiful. I honestly didn't expect it to be like a actual date, I thought of like a normal one. But Its really aswm" 

"Thanks. But I really wanted it to be an actual date"

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