Chapter 28

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I am feeling something new at this moment. I don't know what it is.

She came back with the medicine. " Now have it. It will lessen your headache" She gave me the medicine and handed me a glass of water. And went back to the kitchen.

I took it and she returned with her breakfast. I couldn't keep quite so I asked " How did I ended up here?"

She looked at me and said. " So you don't remember anything?" I nodded my head no.

That's true, normally I don't remember anything . Chim always says that whenever I am drunk I show my true self and speaks the truth that is hidden deep in my heart.

"Oh ok. You were drunk in the bar. Minie called me and told me that you didn't returned home." she said. " Chim ?" 

" Yeah and he asked me to pick you up from the bar. He texted me the address. Me and Mike went to pick you up. But when we returned, you were in no condition to say your door pin that's why we brought you to my apartment." She said.

I know there is something more than that. I dreamed that I kissed her but I think that was only my drunk dream.

"That's all? " I asked her. She blushed but soon became normal. " Yes that's all." She said.

Huh?? She blushed but still said nothing. 

Who knows what in the world she is thinking. But I am sure that I didn't lost my control and did something else.

She sometimes acts weirdly. 


Well I don't know why but I felt like not telling him what actually happened will be better. So I lied. 

" Eat your breakfast and then you can return. And oh by the way, Minie told me that he wanted to have some talk with you so he will be here shortly" I said. 

Well I can't tell him that Minie will be here to scold him so I said he wanted to have a chat.

We eat our breakfast silently and then he volunteered to wash the dishes and I agreed.

Soon the door bell rang and I exactly know who it is.

I opened the door and saw Minie.

" Good morning Y/N" He said. " Good Morning Minie" I said and showed him the way in.

" Did you sleep well? And is he awake?" He asked me in a sweet tone. " No and yes" I said.

He looked at me weirdly. I guess he didn't get me. " No Minie I didn't slept last night and yes he is awake and washing dishes right now"

We were still standing in the door way. " What do you mean? you didn't sleep last night ?" I nodded my head no.

" Why did he troubled you this much? OH that guy. HEY JEON JUNGKOOK , COME HERE RIGHT NOW, YOU ARE IN A BIG TROUBLE" he started shouting and marched towards the living room.

By his voice I can say that the whole neighborhood is awake now. I followed him and saw him fuming looking towards Kook.

" Hey why you are such a trouble." He snapped at Kook who was looking shocked. " What trouble did I caused?" Kook asked.

" You were drunk last night. You didn't return home till 12, worried all of us. You were wasted and if it wasn't for Y/nie, you would have been there wasted. Do you realise that you are no longer an teenager?" Minie said fuming.

" Yes I Know. Things were going through my mind so I wanted a drink. I drank too much. I am very thankful to y/n and I am sorry to cause you trouble." Kook said and started going towards my door.

" HEY I AM NOT YET DONE WITH YOU" Minie shouted but Kook " I am leaving, If you want to talk Come downstairs then" With that he left.

" Ah What am I gonna do with him." Minie said and sighed. " Nothing. Here have some water" I said and handed him a glass of water.

"Thanks" He mumbled. " But Y/N, why didn't you slept last night. Did he troubled you that much or you are hiding something?"  Minie asked me.

Seems like I can't hide it from him. So I told him everything.

" HE DID WHAT??????" MInie shouted. " Keep it low, Minie" I told. " Y/Nie he did that yet you are tell me to keep it low. How. Now judging from your behaviour I am sure you didn't told him, did you?" Minie asked.

" Yes you are right. I didn't told him anything. " I said to him. " But why Y/nie?" Minie asked me.

" He was drunk and maybe he did it because of that and he didn't remember anything. That why I didn't wanted to bother him" I said. 

Minie looked at me like I am speaking nonsense.


I don't know what to tell her now. I really don't know. I don't think she realised it, but she seemed very disappointed.

Maybe because, she is dating Jin Hyung or because of something else. I don't know that answer of that.

But what I definitely know that Jungkook speaks and acts 100% like what his heart wants when he is drunk.

Something I can get from this is, Kookie has some feelings for her but I am not completely sure. I need to test it out.

" OK Y/N, I get you." I said. " But Minie promise me that you won't tell this to anyone including Kook. Promise me" She said.

I have no choice now. But I will figure things out by myself. " Ok I promise" I said and smiled at her. She smiled too.

I want to protect the smile of hers. And I will at all cost.

" Ok Y/Nie. I am going now. Someone need some spanking. " I said and  started walking towards the door. She giggled and then followed me.

" Ok Minie, see you in the office. Bye" She said. I left and she closed her door.

I need to have a talk with Jungkook....

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