Chapter 14

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I am very happy today. They are really great people, they took care of me. 

After the celebration I came back to my apartment. I took a quick shower and then changed my clothes and wore a pj.

I cooked me some pasta and sat down in the dining table to eat and started scrolling my phone. Suddenly Jinnie called me. I quickly picked it up.

(over the call)



" are you busy right now? I mean can we talk?"

" yeah sure. What's up ?"

"Umm... Are you free tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is weekend so yup I am free."

"W-well will you go out with me for lunch. I kind of m-missing i-it."

" yes I will go with you. But why are you missing me? We meet today and we did had lunch together yesterday."

"y-yes I k-know. Its just that you will start college from monday and maybe we can't have lunch together everyday-y. So yes.". He was hesitant, its like he is hiding something.

"But I do an online coarse. I will just go to college whenever I am having practical work, So don't need to worry I can still have lunch with you."

" So are you saying a no?" He seems hurt.

" I will go out with you tomorrow. Don't worry I am just worried because you don't sound like your usual self."


" Jinnie you still there.?"

" yes sorry. I will pick you up at 1. "

" ok "

" bye. See you tomorrow"

" Yes bye good night"

"Good night." Then he end the call.

This is unusual. Jinnie was hesitating and he never hesitate. Something is off with him. I am really worried about him. 

I know something is going on between him and Tae, as I saw Jinnie shout at Tae in the party but this is really weird. Tae is a good person so is Jinnie. They don't seems like people who will hurt themselves, But still deep down inside something is going on.

I can't ask them even though they are my friends. I think they will open up to me when they will feel comfortable.

With that I went to my bed to sleep.


I can't believe that I nearly broke down in front of y/n. I am hurting inside. Its just that she knew from my voice that I was hurting. Within a month but she really knows me well. Which is making my heart warm.

(flashback: earlier today, in the party)

Tae came to me." Hyung pls talk to me. The whole incident was a misunderstanding."

"What you want know Taehyung. I told you I don't want to talk about it. So stop bothering me." I said angryly.

" Pls I can explain. I came there but Joon Hyung didn't let me. And after what I saw, I can't-" I interrupted Tae.

" WILL YOU STOP IT. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING FROM YOU. YOU BETRAYED ME" After coming back to senses I realised I shouted. My eyes meet y/n's.

(flashback: ended)

I know y/n already guessed something. I just want to come clear to her. She is really a nice person. I wanted her to know so that I can start a fresh with her.

You are confused right. Umm well I like y/n a lot. I want her to be my girlfriend. And I know she is too innocent. That's why I want to tell her everything so that she doesn't feel uncomfortable around me.

I am going out with her tomorrow. So I will settle everything.


I woke up. Its 8am. I tossed around in bed and then sat in the bed. I spaced out for 15 mins.

I went to the bathroom to fresh up and took a shower too. I went inside my closet. Picked a dress and wore it.

I made myself some pancakes and enjoyed it with chocolate syrup. I opened my laptop and sat down in the living room sofa.

I worked for like 3 hrs. We have an upcoming project, If it becomes successful, It will be a huge deal. I saw the clock. It was 12 noon.

I went to my room and then started to read a file. It was 12:45 . I closed the file and took my purse to go out.

I heard the door bell. I opened it. It was Jinnie.

" You ready. Lets go." He said. I nodded and we went to his car.

" get inside" He opened the passenger door for me. I went inside and he closed it. Then he sat at the driver's seat and started the engine.

" So where are we going?" I asked him curiously. " Well,  good restaurant to have an great lunch" He said with his cute hamster smile.

" Ok " I said and nodded.

" When are you going to college next. I heard from Namjoon that you will go there is monday?" He asked.

" Yes . I have a practical class. Though I will return to office at evening." I said.

"But your college ends at 4. You can directly go home and rest. Why do you need to come to office. Skipping on college days is fine, you know." He said with concerned voice.

" You know the big project is coming up. Its really important for the company. I need to work on that so it can so smoothly. I still have many file work left, so I need to work on that." I said.

" You really are a hard worker. Someone of your age will find it very difficult to do this things. But you are doing everything without a complain. You really are unique y/nie." He said.

"Thank you" I mumbled. He looks at me and gave me a warm smile.

We soon reached the restaurant. We went inside. Its really nice and beautiful.

He went to the reception. The lady in the reception asked " How can I help you sir?" and he said. " I have a reservation under the name of Mr. Kim Seok Jin"

She looked into the computer and nodded. She called a waiter and he lead us to our seat. " This is your seat. Pls enjoy yourself." He said bowed and left.

Jinnie pulled me chair to seat. 

I was busy looking around and he asked " You like it in here?"

" Yup totally. I really like the atmosphere here. Thank you for bringing me." I said with a smile. 

" My pleasure."

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