Chapter 42

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"Oh that's me, little bro and our childhood friend, Harmony" He said.

" Harmony?" I muttered. I am shocked. No wonder that girl seemed familiar. And now come to think of it, Harm is 2 years older than me.

"You probably know her, y/n. She goes to your college" Professor said. So I was right, she is Harm, my only friend in college. But I never saw her talking to the professor. I only go to colleges on practical, but still never saw her talking to him.

Yup, he is your professor but childhood friend as well. She never even take glances at professor, let alone talking. 

I was deep in the thoughts when professor said " You must be wondering why, she never talk to me even when we go to same colleges, right?". I nodded.

"Well something happened, which made her grow distant from us. Our family and her family used to be neighbour. We literally grew up together. She is 9 years younger than me. She used to prefer me over little bro. And she was little bro's first love."

Oh my. 

"Little bro never complained about anything. He used to love spending time with her even though she used to prefer me. Everything was fine, until she turned 6. One day we decided to have a little garden tea party. You know girls love to play house. We played characters. She was the mom, I was the dad and little bro was our son. Funny right?"

"Yeah" I said and giggled. Never in my dream I thought that Mr. Jeon Jungkook used to play house when he was little.

" We played well. Little bro was upset but he played along anyway. But things got little ugly when she kissed me. Like normal peck in the lips. But that made little bro furious. He asked her why she did it and she replied that I was her future hubby anyway so she did it. I tried to explain her but she jumped on me. Little bro confessed her that he likes her but she instantly rejected saying that she loves me instead. Little bro had his first heartbreak and he stormed out of there. After that she again confessed to me and I rejected and she started crying. I tried to explain her but she went out of there crying."

Oh I didn't saw that one coming. Jungkook used to like Harm. Harm never mentioned me about anything like this before. She used to tell me that many interesting things happen when she was younger, I think this was one of those.

" Little bro never played with her again. He used to lock himself up in his room and study. He never played again and he never used to like having free time anymore. Only mom was allowed in his room. Soon Harmony moved out because her father got transferred. "

" It happened many years ago. I guess that's why Harmony never talked to me, because she can't remember anything. But little bro have remembered everything till now, I know. I had seen him stare at this picture. That's when he stared to insult or underestimate every girl he meet so that he doesn't have to fall in love and have to be heartbroken again. He created a wall around himself. And till today he kept that wall around him."

That explains why he insult me every now and then. But if one girl breaks your heart that doesn't mean that you will insult other so that you don't fall in love. That's insane. He is insane.

" But something happened today. He came back from the office early and was crying. I have seen him cry after so many years again. I don't know what happened but he was talking with mom until you came back. Do you know anything happened in the office today that made him cry?" Professor asked me.

Honestly I don't know. But I do have an idea. But I can't say that to professor.

" No I don't know. I was in the meetings from morning." I said. "oh. I see. But really, you are a very hard working girl. I mean college is let alone a pressure. After it, you are a CEO and have a responsibility to whole different level. You really are aswm."

"I just want to make my parents be proud of me. I like to work and study so its not really a problem for me. But all the thanks goes to my employees who makes it easy to handle a company and thanks to professors who make it easy at college. Without them I wouldn't have been able to do anything at all." I said smiling at him.

"Now I see why little bro looks up to you so much" Professor said. " Huh?" 

"Yes little bro looks up to you. Admires you for your hardwork because he rarely compliment anyone. And he does it about you. I think he like you very much to talk about you with our parents." Professor said.

I didn't knew that. Jungkook compliments me????? That's little unexpectable.

"I will get engaged soon to your sister. I had talked with her, I like her. She is cool and nice" Professor said as he blushed a little. 

My sister is really cool. I know. She is an aswm person.

Soon Mr. Jeon came to us and said " You like it in here Y/N?" I nodded " Absolutely Sir" I said.

" No no. Call me Uncle. It will be better. You are like my own daughter. It will be nice" He said with a smile. " Ok Uncle" I smiled back.

Soon we followed him back to the living room. I saw Mrs. Jeon serving us ice cream. Chocolate ice cream. Yah, I am happy with these desert.

Mrs. Jeon saw me smiling and said " I know you like chocolate ice cream. Jungkook told me." I was shocked hearing it. Jungkook knows what I like.

I looked at him and our eyes meet. His eyes were little red. I soon looked away. 

We had ice cream and talked lot about how they want the wedding to take place. Everyone was talking except Jungkook.

" Let me take them back to the kitchen" Mrs Jeon said and went to the kitchen with the cups. " I will help you honey" Mr. Jeon followed his wife.

Professor looked at Jungkook first and then to me. Mrs. Jeon came back and said " I think Jungkook wants to talk to you Y/N, let us give you some time, right Junghyun" She said. Professor nodded at followed his mom out.

Before I can say that I don't want to talk , Jungkook said.

" I am really sorry Y/N. I want to talk to you."

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