Admiral and the Convict

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"Look at us." Con was saying, "Going out on the town to get our baby girl something special."

He tried to grab Adam's arm, but Adam pulled away again.

"I.... will.... Hurt .... You."

Conn frowned, "Domestic violence is serious, Adam. I might have to call adult protective services as I am in fear for my safety around you." Conn mimed picking up a phone, "hello APS I am being abused, yes my baby daddy keeps threatening to kill me."

"don't call me that."

"What you don't like it when I call you.... Daddy?"

Adam turned the ship sharply to one side rather unexpectedly causing con to slam into a nearby wall. He mewled in pain.

Adam smirked, "Sorry Conn, I thought you had your seatbelt on."

Conn floated back over with a miffed look on his face, but took a seat. They sat in silence for a glorious few minutes until Adam looked out of the corner of his eye to find Conn reading a magazine. Adam had no idea where he had gotten that from.

Adam tried to ignore him, but every so often Conn would shift so Adam could see the front of the magazine. It was clear that he wanted Adam's attention, but Adam adamantly refused to give it staring straight out of the front windscreen.

Of course that did not stop the welling curiosity inside him, and Conn could read his mind, so he knew that Adam was interested.

He didn't stop until Adam finally gave in and sighed.

"What are you reading, Conn."

Conn turned the magazine to face him.


Adam raised an eyebrow, "Metro? What are you looking for in that? Dating Advise?"

"Well right now I am reading about the ten best dates to do with your hubby."

"Don't call me THAT either."

"OF course they have all the regular stuff like dinner and the movies. OH! How about we take a painting class together."

"Absolutely not."

Conn frowned, "Its like you never want to spend time with me. You've been so distant lately." He flipped through the pages of his magazine, "Wait, I think there is an article in here for that. Ah yes twenty five signs your partner Is cheating."

"We aren't partner. I wouldn't date you if you were the last creature in the universe. In fact, I would shack up with the Leviathan before coming to you."

The starborn put his hand over his chest, "You WOUND me so with your Cruel cruel words Is that any way to treat the father of your child."

"Are you ever going to let this go."

"Absolutely not."

Adam groaned having to resist the urge to slam his head against the window.

"Hmm, what else do they have in here. Ah look at this ten ways to rekindle our romance."


"Oh come on, our bedroom life has been a bit dry."

Adam threw up a hand, "Perhaps because we don't have one."

"You know accept for the time your DNA and my DNA made another person."

"In a test tube in a lab without out knowledge. Lets not forget that part."

"I am going to read it anyway."

Adam checked the distance to the short warp gate and was surprised to find it was still another half hour out. He would have sworn they were already in the shuttle for an hour.

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora