31- The Final Three

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1 December, 2396

Everyone in the Women's Room wheeled to see me, a smile spread across Rachel's lips. Drew and Annalise gave me a signature scowl, and Calypso looked at me with a neutral expression.

Rachel stepped forward and gave me a hug. I hugged my friend back, and when we finally pulled away, Rachel sighed dramatically.

"You're going to survive this trial." She assured, her green eyes ablaze with a feistiness I had never seen before.

"I hope so." I said, squinting at Rachel's pendant. It was a mark I'd seen before, on someone's shoulder. I grabbed Rachel's arm and pulled her out of the Women's Room.

"Ouch." She said, pulling her arm out of my grip. "What's wrong with you?"

"You're the spy?" I asked, unable to believe it. Rachel grinned.

"Yes, your majesty." She bowed and I punched her elbow playfully.

"Did you tell Percy? I mean, he should know." I said.

"Yeah," she responded. "I did. And Kendal told me about the plan. I'm going to make sure it works." Rachel promised. I squeezed her shoulder.

"You got it, team-mate."

Rachel smiled. "Us Northern Rebels have got your back, you know. And if the trial goes haywire, we'll get rid of the king pronto."

"Why me?"

"You remind the Northern Rebels of America Singer alot. She was the reason all the people of Illéa were given basic human rights. We figured you were our best bet." She said, giving the signature shrug.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Well, I was supposed to do what you did." Rachel said. "But you beat me to the journal, and my role changed."

"And Percy? I mean did he know from the start?"

"No." Rachel admitted. "I didn't want to risk it until Kendal made the move. I told him the day he got back from your parents' place."

"Oh. So that means that we have Gabriel in the bag, regardless of the trial's result."


5 December, 2396

I was exhausted with everyone looking at me like I was some sort of disease. Like I had murdered someone, for the first few days after my return, I was curious, and only now did I realise, eating in the dining hall, that they all thought I was a cheater. That I had committed treason. And I didn't blame them, if I were them, I'd even belive the king rather than Percy, it was the basic thing to do. And it didn't affect me much, what did though, was my maids.

They had grown increasingly bitter, no longer gossiping in my presence or talking to me in general. The went about their duties, and whenever I tried to make small talk, they would give me a dirty look and ignore me. Maybe it was a job requirement for them, since openly declaring support for me while employed under King Gabriel wasn't a very bright idea, but still, I did resent them for it.

The magazine articles framed me like some sort of player. Like I'd hypnotised Percy into believing everything I told him. Drew was worse than ever, painting me as a slut, saying garbage like how I had slept with Leo and who else not. It took all of my will power not to break her tiny legs.

"A few more days," I told myself. "That's it."

8 December, 2396

"Hi." I greeted Percy, as he came to my room.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I asked, confused.

"That I couldn't stop this trial from happening, that I couldn't defend your honour." He said, looking defeated.

"Percy." I sighed. "Your being too hard on yourself. It's not your fault, you know full well Gabriel will do anything to get rid off me."

"But he stooped too low. And I was unable to do anything." He said, shaking his head.

"Seaweed Brain, there's nothing you could have done. Please, it's just a trial. Besides, we have a contingency plan." I said. Percy looked at me.

"True." He agreed. "Let's just hope Rachel and Kendal don't disappoint."

"They won't. I'm sure Rachel has your best interest at heart." I teased. Percy smiled.

"And yours?" Percy said, taking both my hands and pulling me close.

I shrugged. "I'm an afterthought to everybody. Nobody appears to me put me first." I joked.

"Oh, so I'm nobody now?" Percy said, and I let out an involuntary giggle.

"You are an exception." I admitted, with a smile. "But tell me, oh dear prince, how much do you really care about me?"

"Annabeth." Percy said, looking me directly in the eyes. "Even if the world was collapsing, the only thing that would matter to me would be you."

I captured his lips with mine, and kissed him deeply. "I love you, Seaweed Brain."

12 December, 2396

Drew Tanaka and Calypso Nightshade depart the Selection process leaving the following three girls (given in order of chances of becoming queen)

Annabeth Chase

Rachel Elizabeth Dare

Annalise Daresbury

I sighed and put the Illéa Daily magazine down. Calypso and Drew were sent home, and that left only me, Rachel and Annalise. Or as Thalia phrased it, like some dubious old movie title: 'The princess and the spies.'

Of course we weren't sure that Annalise was the Southern Rebel spy, but we didn't doubt the Southerner's, and we were confident that their spy was supposed to be winning the competition. And alas, only one person was the suspect.

The Palace seemed to be frozen in time. My routine was mundane, which was odd considering I was in the Palace. A place I had never I dreamed to enter six months ago. I pondered over how much my life had changed. I as no longer a Five, planning out my future with Luke. I was now almost the princess, an orphan, tasked to cure Illéa of the horrid caste system. And the only way I could do that was simple: survive.

𝑹𝒆𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 [𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang