20- The Complete Reunion

857 15 22

15 August, 2396

Kriss seemed to like the red dress, and I didn't. Friday morning was here and my maids were picking out a dress for me to wear at the welcome party for the Chinese royal family. The girls and I had been arguing over the dress for thirty minutes, but they seemed instant that I wear it.

"Please, Lady Annabeth. You look gorgeous." Janet commented.

Piper, Reyna, and Bianca entered the room. The girls were all dressed in red aswell and then it occurred to me, red was one of the national colours of China, and the colour of their flag.

"I have to, don't I?" I complained and my friends all chuckled.

"We get that you hate red dresses, Annabeth. But Hazel wants you to make a good impression on her boyfriend." Piper said, taking my hands and swinging me off my bed. I sighed and took the dress from Katrina's hands.

"You four. Wait here. I'll be right back." I said, heading to bathroom.

"It's not like we were planning to go anywhere." Bianca said, flopping down on my bed. The princess and I had developed a close friendship, but perhaps I was closer with Hazel than her sister.

I emerged out of the bathroom and the girls stared at me, then Piper wolf whistled. My cheeks grew red from embarrassment.

"Oh, please Piper. I look absolutely hideous." I said, as the four of us went downstairs to the ballroom. Even though the other Elite were tasked with the arrangements, Hazel herself was making sure that everything was perfect.

Nico was standing near Percy and Jason, as the elder two talked, Nico's gaze shifted around the room, searching for someone.

"Who are you looking for?" I teased him, and stood silently by him.

"Wi-, no one." He said quickly. I almost laughed.

"Oh come on. You can tell me." I said, trying my best puppy eyes.

"Fine, but only you, okay?" I nodded. "I'm dating the medic, Will Solace."

I smiled. "You two must be the most adorable thing ever." I said, my heart warm. Nico turned red, and held his face in his hands to cover up his blush.

Percy noticed me, and his jaw fell to the floor. Jason turned, and choked on something imaginary. While Percy was speechless, Jason discovered his voice.

"Annabeth Chase is wearing a red dress. I don't belive it." Jason denied, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

"Feast your eyes, gentlemen." I dramatically threw my hands into the air. Nico giggled and Jason chuckled lightly.

"You look... amazing" Percy told me. I blushed, and smacked his arm playfully.

"Not too bad yourself, Seaweed Brain." I answered.

Nico did a fake gag. "Just get married already." He said, illicitling a slap upside the head from Jason, who was smiling.

The doors swung open as King Gabriel entered with a burly looking, hairy man who was even bigger than Gabe himself. The man would stand about seven feet tall, and his arm muscles were the size of large dogs. His suit seemed to be tailored because I was sure finding a suit like that for his body was not easy. The Queen followed, she looked like a nice, reserved woman. She looked surprisingly a lot like Helen, whom I missed incredibly. She was followed by her son, Prince Frank.

Prince Frank looked exactly like his mother, but he was large like his father. The boy must have been six foot five and then some, because he towered over Percy and Jason when he hugged them both. Frank almost lifted Nico off his feet, and hugged Bianca delicately, as if afraid she would break. He did a complicated handshake with Reyna, like Jason did with Percy and he squeezed the breath of Piper. When he saw Hazel though, his eyes lit up. As the King and Queen went to the front, Hazel ran up into Frank's arms and the two kissed. I smiled a bit at them, and I felt Reyna and Piper take my sides. They ushered me to the new comer.

"Frank. This is Annabeth." Bianca told him, and Frank released Hazel.

Frank held out his hand, and I gave him my own, unsure of what he was going to do. He kissed my hand and patted it once. Then he offered his for a shake.

"I'm Frank."

"I'm Annabeth, lovely to meet you." I said, smiling brightly.

"Likewise, Lady Annabeth. Percy has told me a lot about you." Frank said, letting go off my hand.

"All positive things I hope?" I asked playfully.

"The very best." He replied with a smile.

"Oh, Prince Frank. How lovely to see you." Drew drawled and I withheld a sneer.

Frank's face became pale and he turned. "Hello, Drew." He said, waving awkwardly.

"Oh Frank, you must not act so flustered. Oh, what will Hazel think?" Drew said, grabbing his arm and leading him to the other girls.

"What's the problem with her?" Bianca asked.

"I wish I knew." I shrugged. "And why is Prince Frank so nervous about her, I get that she's pretty and all, but isn't he dating Hazel?"

"Oh, that's precisely why he's nervous." Reyna said, appearing with Piper.

"Yeah," Piper snorted. "Drew grabbed Frank's face and kissed him two years ago, in front of Hazel. And the two haven't had the best relationship ever since." She said, picking at her nails.

A scream from the corner diverted my attention from Piper. Queen Emily's red dress was stained with sauce, but she wasn't the one who screamed. Calypso had because Annalise spilled the sauce on the Queen of China. Queen Emily tried to move forward but her foot got caught on Drew's leg and she fell to the ground face first. Several people let out sounds of shock as Hazel helped Queen Emily up. Unfortunately, the Queen's forehead got busted and was bleeding.

"Oh my god, Your Majesty. We are so sorry." Drew said, trying to grab Queen Emily's arm.

"That will not be necessary." The Queen said harshly and left the ballroom, escorted by Hazel. I looked around at Bianca, Reyna and Piper, and their faces were shocked. Calypso looked befallen and Drew was just plain annoyed.

"Urgh, can't you do anything right?" She yelled at Calypso as the Kings and Queen Sally exited.

"HEY," Rachel yelled. "Don't yell at her for your shortcomings, Drew. She was amazing. "

"Exactly." I agreed. "You on the other hand, Ms Tanaka and Ms Daresbury, you screwed it up."

"Why you little-" Drew charged at me but Percy caught her and restrained her.

"Calm down, Drew." Percy told her.

"Whatever," Drew snarled. She marched away, and Percy dismissed everyone. I stopped in front of him before I left the ballroom.

"Hey, at least it gives us an excuse to get rid of her." I told him and Percy smiled a little.

"Yeah, but she did cause a mega problem. It's not everyday someone busts open the head of the Queen of China." He said, taking my hand. I stroked the back of his hand.

"Anyway," he released my hand. "See you tomorrow. It's getting late."

"Yeah." I said, and we kissed.

"Goodnight." He said as I walked back up the stairs. I didn't respond, but quietly smiled to myself instead.

𝑹𝒆𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 [𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin