15- The Elite

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20 July, 2396

I didn't understand what was going on. Katrina made my face look elegant, as she always did. Kriss had me in a grey dress today and red colour tainted my lips. My feet we hidden from view so I convinced them to let me wear flats. The King had confirmed what Reyna had told us the night before. Percy was indeed choosing the Elite this morning.

"Guess there isn't much of the process left, huh?" I asked my maids as Janet continued to work on my hair.

"Oh no, miss." Janet responded. "The real fun happens with the Elite."

Kriss and Katrina agreed to that one, and I looked around at them, confused. I rose from my chair and waited for Luke, who was to be escorting me to the auditorium.

"The Elite stay at the Palace for months. It's really easy for someone like Percy to narrow the amount of girls down at first. So, everyone knows his top few picks. Even though we all know who he's going to marry eventually." Katrina said. The other girls nodded along with the Russian.

"What does that mean?"

"Jeez, Lady Annabeth, Percy's in love with you." Kriss said. I just shook my head, anxiousness churning in my stomach. I knew Piper and Reyna were going to be part of the Elite, that was part of the deal they had made with Percy. And the others, Percy liked Rachel Dare and I could see him and Calypso were quite close aswell. That was four out of ten. Drew was definitely going to be there, regardless of whether or not Percy wanted her.

Clementine Harris, a two, was logical. Her father was one of King Asshole's best friends. A knock came from the door, I turned around, ridiculously hoping it was Percy who had knocked. It wasn't, Luke was wearing a malicious smile on his face. I walked over to him, taking his arm as he walked me toward the auditorium. I hated the fact that the Elite were to be announced on live TV.

"You're not in it." Luke told me, his voice full of pride. My heart sank as a feeling of hopelessness sunk deep within me. Of course I wasn't in the Elite, I was from a low caste, and Percy didn't even like me, I was pretty sure he'd been of kissing other girls too.
I held back tears and let go of Luke's arm, walking faster than him so that he wasn't able to catch up. I was yet to make my decision, but I didn't think it would matter much now. I took my place between Reyna and Piper as Drew sent me a poisonous look from her own seat. I rolled my eyes, trying to walk off the hollow feeling inside.

"You seem worried." Piper noted.

"No shit."

Reyna laughed dryly. "You don't have to be. Percy's crazy about you. You were his first kiss after all." she commented, nudging me with her elbow.

"Yeah, but how do I know he treats me any differently than he does the other girls? He could be playing with me for all I know." I found myself repeating Luke's words.

"Oh, he's not like those guys, trust me. He doesn't feel the way about the girls as he does about you." Piper assured.

"Ahem," Aphrodite girlsihly cleared her throat. "Good Evening Illéa, it is me, your host Aphrodite, today we will be spilling the tea on Prince Percy and his picks for the Elite."

The dark skinned lady walked over to Percy with a microphone. "So, how has the Selection served you thus far?" she asked Percy.

The Prince smiled. "Excellent." he responded. I smiled a bit. He was smart, disclosing too much information about anything to the public was never good.

"Oh," Aphrodite was a bit disappointed. "Any specific young ladies that you might have thought to make future Queen?"

Percy smiled mischievously, as if debating to tell her something. He decided in favour of it. "If it were up to me, I would be engaged by now." he said, meeting my eyes for a spur of a moment. A collective gasp was drawn from the audience as Aphrodite's face smiled in appeasement.

"Ooohh, juicy." the actress commented, before being handed an envelope. My hands were shaking now, I didn't understand. I was frustrated with myself, for wanting the impossible. I wanted both Luke and Percy. I shook my head slightly, snapping me out of my trance. Apparently, I had been thinking for longer than I had expected because Aphrodite was announcing the Elite. Reyna and Piper were sitting calmly, knowing their names were in there. I gripped the side of my chair tightly, my nails digging into the handle.

"Lady Drew Tanaka, my own daughter." Aphrodite said pridefully. I made a face, one that thankfully went unnoticed by the press.

"Lady Reyna Avila Ramirez Allerano."

"Lady Calypso Nightshade."

"Lady Rachel Elizabeth Dare."
something burned in my stoamch. A little voice in the back of my mind told me it was jealousy, I didn't listen to it.

"Lady Annalise Daresbury." my heart almost jumped to my throat. Oh, how destiny hated me.

"Lady Annabeth Chase." something unclasped my chest. I struggled out a breath of relief. I was in the top ten, there was still a slight chance that Percy and I could end-, I shook my head again. It's only been a few weeks Annie, besides, what would Luke say?

"Piper McLean." Aphrodite said, making a sour face. Something about the way she said my friend's name made me want to punch her in the face.

I caught Percy's eye again, and ever so discreetly, he brought his hand to his ear and pulled on it. I returned the gesture. I paced my room again, waiting for Percy. I still couldn't wrap my mind across the idea that I was in the Elite, that there was a solid chance I could end up marrying Percy. Which I was still unsure about.

A loud thud echoed from the door and I opened it quickly, Percy slipped inside. He immediately shrugged off his jacket and showed his bleeding back. He flopped onto the stool of the dressing table. He brandished a box with a red plus sign. "I'm sorry," he apologised, "I didn't know who else to go to."

I snatched the box from his hand, "You came to the right person." I immediately stripped his shirt down and began to clean of his whipped back with antiseptic.

"Why didn't you come earlier?" I complained, worried that he had been hurt.

"I waited for your boyfriend to go for a bathroom break, then I snuck in here." he replied.

My hands went cold. "Percy-"

"Please, I know you still love him. You don't have to mess me up, you didn't have to play-" his voice cracked and I saw in the mirror that there was a tear on his cheek.

"I didn't." my own voice was firm. "I just told him to give me time, and after today, I don't think I'll be needing any more."

Percy met my eyes in the mirror. "You heard what I said, right? In the Report?" He asked.

I nodded, knowing what would come next. "I would have proposed last week, I know you don't just fall in love at first sight. I felt a wierd connection pulling me to you. Only when I saw I could trust you completely, did I realise I was in love with you. I know it sounds stupid since it's been like... a month. But, I really do love you." he completed, wiping away tears from his handsome face.

"Percy, you know -"

"I know you're not ready," he said in a broken voice. It was raw, emotional but it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard. "That's why I've been holding back, and I know you're confused too, so I don't even know if you could even grow to love me."

"I'm not confused anymore, Percy. I'm sure it's you I want. What I feel with you is different than what I feel with Luke. With him, I feel excited, young, fresh. But with you, my body relaxes, I feel calm, at peace, with you, everything feels right. So Percy, I may not be in love with you yet, but I can and I will grow to love you." I responded, bending down and kissing him.

"Annabeth," he whispered, pulling away. "Say it once, and this thing will be over, we don't have to marry, we can do that when you're ready. We'll wait it out. Just say it once, my love, because I've never been so sure of anything in my life."

My eyes filled with tears. "No, I want to win the Selection the proper way. Not because I don't wish to be with you, but because your love is worth fighting

𝑹𝒆𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 [𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now