27- The Report

791 12 12

1 October, 2396

My hand slid across the paper, the pen leaving slant marks all over the parchment. I wrote like possessed woman, like my body would sieze if I stopped. I poured my heart out onto to the paper.

I squinted, and reread the lines over and over again, practising in front of a mirror, and talking to my pillow. Within a couple of hours, I could speak without even glancing at the paper. I had refused to let my friends know what I had chosen for my topic. It was big gamble, one that would either confuse and anger the King and the Prince, or give them deja vu.

I was positive Percy didn't know about the journal. Because I was sure someone as impulsive and emotionally charged as him would not stand to see a country without the knowledge of the truth. But what if he did? I mean, he was the prince, this journal was probably his bed time story. But yet again, Percy had shown me how different he was from your stereotypical prince.

I sighed, and folded up my piece of paper, placing it on my desk. I decided to get some sleep for my speech on the Report the next day.

However, when I woke up, the paper was missing. All three of my wonderful maids, may the universe bless them with great fortune, were helping me look for it. And soon enough, Leo, Nico, Bianca, Calyspo, Reyna, Piper, Rachel and Hazel were turning the place upside down in search of the paper.

"Guys," I pleaded after a good three hours. "It's fine. I guess I'll have to manage." They all looked at me guiltily.

"We're really sorry we couldn't help you find it." Hazel said sincerely.

"It's fine, and thank you all for helping me. It really shows how much you all care, thank you." I said, smiling. "And you two," I pointed toward Rachel and Calypso. "You better get ready."

The two left my room, shortly followed by Nico, who had to meet Will in the gardens. Hazel, Piper and Reyna were the only ones left after Bianca went to her room to get ready for the Report.

I looked around at the three girls left, and Hazel suddenly pulled out my speech from her dress pocket. My eyes widened as Hazel stared at me, completely poker faced.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked, handing me the paper.

"I don't understand the problem, isn't this what we all want?" Piper said, leaning back against a wall.

"Yes Piper," Reyna agreed. "But this," she gestured toward the page in my hand. "Is too direct."

"Come on," I pleaded. "You all have to trust me on this one. This is the best way." I said, and Hazel bit her lip, deep in thought.

"Annabeth," Hazel said, and took a deep breath. "We trust you. But that also means we don't expect to be let down. If anything goes downhill, you won't be the only one suffering." She warned.

"Does Percy know?" Reyna asked.

I sighed and shook my head.


My hands were shaking, and my palms were sweaty. Annalise had just finished her speech on improving education for threes, which greatly swayed the council further into her favour, as if they weren't already. Drew and Calypso were already done, and I was next. Piper and Reyna were to follow.

I had sat through plenty of reports, considering I'd been in the Palace for almost nine months. But I had never felt this nervous, constantly wiping my palms on the fabric of my dress.

"Lady Annabeth Chase." Aphrodite announced, and I stood up, without meaning to. My body seemed to gain a way of moving that wasn't run by brain, and apparently so had my tongue.

𝑹𝒆𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 [𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now