Chapter Thirty Two

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I sat on a bench in the hospital's garden listen to music as I scrolled through pictures of me and Andrew on my gallery. I thought I had cried myself dry the past one week and a half but little things reminded me about him making me sadder. I had asked for time and I knew we both needed it but the longer I stayed away the more I regretted it. Yes Andrew had hurt me but he had realized his mistake and apologized. More than anything I wanted to call him so we could talk about everything but one thing was holding me back. My brother Bishop.

Andrew had been right, in one way or another my brother always found a way to get in between our relationship whether intentionally or unintentionally. His health was fragile and even though he was awake and doing better I didn't want to risk him relapsing because of me. I wanted to call Andrew and assure we were okay, that I would accompany him to Paris but not at the expense of possibly killing my brother.

I missed Andrew with every fiber of my being and yes he had hurt me but I couldn't help myself. I wanted him back. I loved him with my whole heart and wanted to experience the world with him but it seemed like that was not what destiny had planned for us. I just wanted my happily ever after with him but the stars simply refused to align in our favor.

A tissue was held out infront of my face and I looked up to meet Whitney's smiling face. I took it from her and used it to wipe my tears and clean my face.

"Thanks."I mumbled in response as she sat down next to me.

It was mid week and I had just gotten to the hospital from class after a long day of lessons. I always took a break in the garden before going in to see Bishop. I rarely cried in public but this time I'd been unable to help myself when I saw a couple walk out of the family planning section of the hospital looking all lovey dovey. Andrew had accompanied me to the clinic when we started being sexually active. He had helped me choose the best choice for me so we could be safe and avoid ruining our lives with a baby. Now there was no more Andrew and I, it was just poor ol heartbroken me.

"Can I please say something?"Whitney asked after we sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Sure."I replied.

"I just wanted to apologize for how I spoke to you last week. It was uncalled for and you didn't deserve such harsh words from me."She expressed softly.

I turned to face her and she had an apologetic look on her face. I had already forgiven her because even in as much as her words hurt, I understood where she was coming from.

"It's okay, I forgave you."I said back managing a small polite smile back.

"Thank you because I don't want any more bad blood between us. We're finally in a good place and I didn't want my harsh words to make us loose that."She confessed.

"I misjudged you from the beginning Whitney, you and my brother are perfect for each other."I complimented and she smiled at me.

"Hearing you say that makes me very happy. Please allow me to ask, why are so sad? You've been like this for more than a week."Whitney asked.

My gaze immediately wandered to my lock screen which was a picture of me and Andrew looking into each others eyes. It had been taken by Cass and it was one of my favorite pictures of the both of us. We looked so in love in that photo and even though it hurt each time I looked at it, I couldn't bring myself to delete it.

"Andrew and I sort of broke up."I admitted saying those words out loud to another human being for the first time since it happened.

"What? Why? When?"Whitney exclaimed.

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