Chapter Twenty Four

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"I got a tattoo a while ago and its about you."I admitted feeling the need to get it out of my chest.

Ivy's jaw fell in surprise and she stared at me probably wondering if I was being serious.

"You said you told me everything."She admonished and I shrugged.

"Honestly I thought I did. I've had the tattoo for so long it became like a part of me, I'd kind of forgotten about it."I replied.

"I've seen you naked, numerous times. Why haven't I seen it before?"She asked and I pushed her off gently to create some space between us.

I took off my shirt and lifted my arm to show her the Ivy plant vines winding up my ribcage.

"How is that plant related to me?"She asked and I chuckled.

"It's an Ivy plant vine."I informed her.

She lifted my arm to get a closer look.

"When did you get this?"She asked tracing the contours of the tattoo.

"I was Ned's first customer when he opened the tattoo shop."I explained.

She eventually turned her eyes away from the tattoo and met my gaze.

I was happy that Ivy had had a crush on me just as long as mine on her lasted but compared to her I'd done some pretty creepy things all in the name of getting closer to her. She had forgiven me for everything else, I just hoped it was going to be the same case with the tattoo.

"I mean it's not directly my name and nobody would guess it's about me without some explanation but it's still weird that you got it. We weren't even friends then and hadn't ever said one word to each other."She argued.

"That didn't stop me from developing feelings for you. I couldn't help myself, everything about you intrigued me. Your smile, your body, your personality and your kind heart."I confessed and Pierra palmed my face bringing me closer to her.

"I'm not mad so get that sour look off your face, it just took me by surprise that's all. I can't believe you did all those things just to be close to me. We could have been dating since first year but my brother had to intervene. Though it doesn't matter anymore because we're finally together now."She said before leaning in and planting her lips on mine.

I tightened my hands on her waist pulling her closer to me deepening the kiss. I was so lucky to have Pierra in my life since she had given me a chance, even with knowing all about my dirty past. I would do everything in my power to keep her happy. Pierra deserved the world and I would work my ass off to give it to her.

Eventually we changed positions so that I was lying on my back on the bed while Pierra was half lying on me and halfway on the bed. Her head was on my naked chesty as she traced the tattoo with the tips of her fingers.

"Since we're in the spirit of confessing about the past, I want to tell you about mine."She spoke lowly her warm breath caressing my chest.

"You don't have to, this is different and I don't want you to feel pressured to tell me anything. We have the rest of our lives for you to tell me."I consoled my hand rubbing her back comfortingly.

"I know but I just want to tell you so I don't have to always wonder when is the best time to tell you."She expressed.

"Okay baby, I'm all ears."I said bracing myself for whatever she was about to tell me.

I knew it was not something pleasant so I just hoped I had the emotional capacity to handle it and be there for her when the memories got too much.

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