Chapter Six

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As I passed by one buildings in the varsity with low windows I found myself admiring my reflection wondering if I looked good enough. I was wearing blue ripped jeans, a white t-shirt peeking out under my black hoodie and a blue checked flannel shirt with white Adidas sneakers to complete the look.

I never really paid much attention to what I wore, just made sure I was always presentable. I didn't wear the expensive brands, could definitely not afford those but I had a good eye when it came to thrifting so I was always smartly dressed. For some reason I wanted Pierra to notice me, she was always so smartly dressed. If she didn't notice me for anything else I hoped she noticed me for my choice of outfit.

Cass was a few steps ahead of me together with Alfred and Cliff while I lagged behind lost in thought. My weekend had been a roller-coaster since I actually got to talk to Pierra and spend time with her. Running into her at the gym had been most unexpected but when I saw her bending over in those yoga pants I just had to approach her. Her ass looked phenomenal and I wasn't the only one who noticed as literally the whole gym had been staring, even the ladies. I had walked towards her when the jealousy got the best of me at all those guys sexualizing her. I made sure to block their view of her the whole time I took photos of her, more for my sake than hers. She hadn't seemed to be minding the attention or was just simply not aware of how captivating she was without even trying.

My eyes immediately sought her out when we walked into class. She was seated at her usual chair munching on her favorite snack. She was listening to music looking out the window oblivious to everyone else around her. Her backpack was in the seat next to her, holding it for her brother like she always did. As I got closer to her I took my time to admire what she we wearing,black ripped jeans, a yellow cropped sweatshirt and white Adidas.

Any other time I would have walked right past her but after the weekend we'd had it felt wrong to ignore her. She turned her face and our eyes met, she didn't look away but actually smiled at me. It was the go ahead I needed to actually open my mouth and talk to her.

"Hi Pierra."I greeted politely when I got close enough for her to hear me.

"Morning Andrew."She replied and my day was made.

Some part of me had expected her to ignore me and we would go back to living as if the other didn't exist. I didn't expect us to be friends but the huge gap between us had been bridged and I was closer to her than I'd ever been.

"Dude what was that?"Cass asked when we settled down in our usual seats.

I forgot I hadn't mentioned any of the weekends happenings to either of my friends not even Cass. I shrugged him off as I retrieved my note book and pens from my bag.

"You're not escaping this so you better start talking."Cass demanded and I looked up to find all three of them looking at me curiously.

"You just said hi to her and she replied. That has never happened before so what happened between the last class and this one."Alfred asked and I knew there is no was I was escaping their scrutiny.

"We ran into each other at the gym on Sunday and I helped her take a few photos for her Instagram."I explained giving as little information as possible.

I didn't mention Saturday to them, they didn't need to know about her coming to my room. They would get much more excited than was needed.

"I was hoping for much more action than that."Cliff lamented and I flicked him off.

They were so immature sometimes that's why I always had to filter what I told them.

"Are you kidding? That is a lot of action. He has been pining over her since first year. Looks like he finally took my advice and made a move. So big boy when are you going to ask her out on a date?"Cass asked and I turned to him sharply wondering what he was talking about.

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