Chapter Nineteen

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We spotted Bishop and Whitney immediately we walked into the restaurant downstairs. It was not hard to notice them anyway seeing as Whitney was wearing a hot pink dress and Bishop was well, Bishop.

"Remember just try and be nice."I whispered to Andrew as we got closer.

"Only if he is nice first, I'm not letting him walk all over me just to keep the peace."He replied and I frowned.

I had already talked to Bishop and asked him to be nice. I just hoped he would hold up his end of the deal as I didn't want to have to break up a fight between my brother and my boyfriend.

"He will be."I said more to encourage myself than Andrew.

They both looked up when we got to their table. Whitney smiled while Bishop just stared at us with a blank look, at least it was better than a glare or a frown. Andrew stood aside to let me sit first opposite Whitney while he sat facing Bishop. We were in for an awkward meal but it was the first step to get them to start getting along. I hoped they fixed their relationship as I wasn't willing to pick between the two. Bishop was my brother who I loved so much but if everything went well Andrew and I would become more than just boyfriend and girlfriend as time went on and I didn't want it to always be awkward between them.

"We all know each other so no introductions needed but Andre this is Whitney my brothers girlfriend, Whitney this is Andrew my boyfriend."I introduced the two who shook hands with polite smiles.

I noticed Bishop clench his first when I introduced Andrew as my boyfriend but I chose to ignore him. He'd get used to it sooner or later. Hopefully sooner so we could get over the awkwardness as fast as possible

"You guys make a very cute couple, don't they babe?"Whitney commented but Bishop just grunted his response.

"Thanks Whitney, I think we're very cute too."I replied looking at Andrew only to find him looking at me.

The adoration I found in his eyes made me feel special and warmed me up from the inside.

"Have you guys already ordered?"I asked and Whitney nodded.

"What do you want to eat Ivy, I'll go order for us?"Andrew asked.

"You let him call you Ivy?!"Bishop demanded his voice coming out a little too forcefully.

"Yeah why?"I asked already knowing why but I didn't want him making a big scene.

He was about to reply when he saw the warning look in my eyes and immediately shut his trap.

"I'll have the plain pilau and a can of sprite."I requested Andrew.

He nodded in understanding getting up from the table and heading over to the counter to make our order.

"You haven't told him yet?"Bishop asked immediately Andrew was out of earshot.

"No I haven't, it's too early into our relationship to unload my baggage. I'm sure Whitney here doesn't know everything about you."I replied getting defensive.

"Don't bring our relationship into this."Bishop retorted and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You agreed to be nice otherwise my next call will be to dad about your illegal business here at school."I said reminding him of my threat.

"You've never held that over me before, what's so special about this boy?"Bishop asked referring to Andrew as if he was a child yet he was only a year older than him.

"Everything."I answered that word holding a deep meaning.

"You guys fight a lot but it just shows how much you love and care for each other."Whitney commented and neither of us bothered to reply.

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