Chapter Twenty Five

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I was falling in love. Too soon. I think not. I'd had a crush on Andrew for years and even though we'd only been dating for a few months I was more than ready to take that next step. Andrew was perfect, he was a good listener, took care of me and gave me cuddles whenever I asked. I knew there was more to falling in love but I already had all that. Andrew was mature, goal oriented, loved his family and he actually made time for me. Time, trust, loyalty and love were all I really required in a relationship and Andrew was giving me all of them, well besides the love part. We hadn't exactly said the words yet but I wanted to more than ever.

My feelings for him had been growing exponentially and the more I got to know him the more I fell for him. I'd never had those feelings before and when I told my mom what I was feeling she just laughed and told me that I was in love. I thought about it and realized that she was right. Andrew was starting to mean the world to me and I didn't want to ever loose him. I didn't care who confessed their feelings first as long as I got to tell him how I really felt. We had lost so much time being scared and I never wanted that to ever happen to us again.

My phone rang next to me on the bed and I smiled when I saw Andrew calling me. I had thought of him so much, I had willed him into reaching out to me.

"Hi Andre."I picked up excited to talk to him.

"Hi beautiful. What are you up to?"He asked.

"I just finished folding my laundry so I'm thinking of what to do next."I replied crossing my fingers hoping he'd invite me over.

I could just go and see him and he'd be happy to see me but sometimes it felt nice when he actually invited me. It made me feel wanted.

"How about I suggest something?"He requested with a hint of hope in his voice.

"What did you have in mind?"I asked sitting up straighter.

"I'm good friends with a photographer here in campus but he only does studio shoots since he owns one. I made it to the top ten finalists for the competition I told you I was entering but in order to make it to the top three finalists I need to show that I can be a versatile photographer."He ranted out.

"Andre you're rambling, just get to the point babe. How can I help you get to the finals? Congratulations for making it this far by the way, I'm really proud of you."I replied with smile.

Andrew was really talented and deserved all the good that was coming his way.

"Thanks babe and you can help me by being my model. I really want to win this but I've never really worked with a model in a studio before. I just thought you'll be a nice fit since you'll be patient enough if I mess up and you're also experienced so it will...." He rambled inn and I had to stop him.

"Andre stop and breath."I commanded and he immediately shut up taking in a deep breath."Good and yes I will help you."


"Of course babe, just tell me what outfit to wear, where to meet up and the time."I replied.

"Just come by my place at around seven pm that's when he closes. He gave me the studio key and so as not to mess with his schedule we'll have to work at night. Please put together a couple of outfits so we can have a variety."He explained.

"I'll be there."I promised him.

"See you soon."

"Ivy?"He caked out preventing me from hanging up.

"Yes Andre."

"Thank you for this."He expressed and I smiled.

"Anytime. I'll be there at seven. Bye."

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