Chapter Twenty Three

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Things between Andrew and I were going great. Being back at school meant we spent less time together as it was our last semester in university but we made it work. We spent as many nights as we could at each others rooms but when work and studies got too much we gave each other time apart. The best part was even amongst all the chaos of working towards graduation and furthering our careers, we still made time for each other and that to me was success.

I'd never had classes on Fridays but one of our lecturers had decided to change things up. It pissed me off but I put up with it as I only had a few more months, then I was done with him. I definitely should have re-thought my outfit before I left my house, but I was not planning on attending the Friday class anyway until I got a text that there was to be a quiz I couldn't miss. That's why I was waking to class freezing my ass off in a cropped bralette top, high waisted adidas pants and Vans sneakers. I looked good but was definitely under dressed. I would have passed by Andrews room to grab a hood but I was already running late.

I stopped by my favorite kiosk to grab my morning snack of crunchy corn. I could do without a sweater but definitely not my go to snack.

"Habari ya asubuhi? Nipee kawaida?"I requested handing off the money but the shopkeeper shook his head holding his palm up to reject it.

Good morning. Can I have the usual?

"Pole tumeishiwa. Hadi kesho. Yule kijana amenunua box mzima."He replied pointing to a hooded figure waking away and I was shocked.

I'm sorry we're out of stock, come back tomorrow. That boy just bought the whole box.

In all my years of buying the snack, the kiosk had never run out. I was not about to go to class without any so I hoped whoever bought it would be nice and sell me a few packets. I fastened my pace and tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey can I buy a packet from you please?"I requested and he turned around.

"Andrew?!"I called out surprised.

"Ivy? I thought you were already in class."He asked eyeing me.

"I'm running late but the bigger question is why did you buy a whole box of my favorite snack?"I asked and he looked at me sheepishly.

"Well I came down to pay for the extra packet you receive each morning but found out you hadn't passed by. I thought you were in too much of a hurry to stop for some so I was going to bring you one."He explained and my head reeled with all that new information.

"That's very sweet but also brings up a lot of questions, why did you buy the whole box and not just a few packets. Also what do you mean by paying for the extra packet I receive each morning, I thought that was just a bonus for buying from him for years?"I inquired and he shook his head.

"I didn't know how many packets you usually buy so I just got the whole box and nope, it was not out of the goodness of his heart, I've been paying for it."He informed me.

"But I've been receiving the extra packet all year. We've only been dating three months."I commented very confused and he shrugged.

"Weren't you running late for class?"Andrew asked and I looked at my watch.

"Crap yes, I'll take a few of these but this conversation is not over. I'm coming by after class so we can talk about this."I demanded grabbing a few packets from the box and putting them in my backpack.

"I'll be waiting."Andrew replied looking skeptical "Or I can walk you to class and we can talk about it in the way."He suggested.

"No I need to get my head in the right head space for a test and this seems like a talk worthy more than a five minute rushed walk to class."I said rejecting his idea.

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