Chapter Thirty Five

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The first time I'd flown was when I'd accompanied Pierra to her family trip but that had been a short one hour flight. A nine hour flight with Pierra was totally different but more memorable. We ate, slept, watched a movie, listened to music and made sure to take photos and lots of videos. I wanted evidence of my first trip with my girl so I made sure to document as much of it as I could. Pierra was the ideal travel companion because not once during the trip was I bored as she always had something in mind for us to do.

Landing was the hardest part but I managed to get through it without puking my guts out.

"You should get used to that, I have a feeling you and I will be traveling a lot together."Pierra commented as we got up to retrieve our carry-ons from the overhead compartment.

"I will, hopefully."I replied helping Pierra with her bag as she was too short to reach.

The time difference between Kenya and Paris was one hour so it didn't affect us much.

We arrived at six in the evening and surprisingly enough it was still light out.

"How comes it looks like four in the afternoon yet its six thirty in the evening? Back home it would be already dark out."I asked as we alighted the plain.

Paris was cold, super cold yet it was only mid year. Definitely had to thank Pierra for insisting we pack and dress heavy.

"Because we're in a different part of the globe, we're not in Kenya anymore babe. We'll adjust with time, don't worry."Pierra replied.

We passed by the immigration booth to show our documentation and when everything was approved we moved to baggage claim. We had a suitcase each besides our carry-ons as Pierra had declared we would do a lot of shopping so there was no need to carry too many clothes.

"Pietro has our flight details and said he'll be waiting for us at the arrival lobby."I informed Pierra as we made our way towards the entrance.

"Good because there's no way we can find our way around a city we've never been to before."She replied and I chuckled.

Pierra looked so beautiful and my heart swelled with joy each time I blinked and saw that she was actually there with me. Paris would be the perfect getaway for the both of us. We would work on us and rekindle the flames of our relationship. We were okay but the break had taken its toll on us. The one month we had together would be perfect for us to mend the cracks and build a firmer and stronger foundation.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"Pierra asked.

Only when she spoke up did I realize that I had been staring at her.

"Just appreciating your beauty and presence."I replied and she blushed.

"You're so cheesy."She chuckled.

I grinned at her "Only for your love."

Pierra was my light and I hoped I would never be the cause of her tears again. I just wanted to put a smile on her face and happiness in her life always.

"You see how back home whenever we spot a white person we always have to point and comment?"Pierra asked randomly.


"Well here it's in reverse. We are the anomaly. It's our turn to get discussed and pointed at. I kind of like being the center of attention."Pierra replied and I chuckled.

"Only you Ivy can find humor in that."I replied.

She grinned cheekily at me and shrugged. Her observations were true nonetheless, people were pointing at us not so discreetly and discussing us. I didn't mind though as long as they didn't approach us and Pierra was okay so I assumed their stares and whispers.

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