Chapter Twenty Two

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I hadn't seen Pierra in three weeks. Immediately after the family trip I had gone to see my family and she had gone home with hers. My mother and sister had been happy to see me home and I them but I'd found myself missing Pierra a lot. She was constantly invading my thoughts and the pictures she kept sending me plus the ones I already had were not helping my cause. It was why I couldn't wait to get on the bus and head back to school to her. I wanted her back in my arms as soon as possible.

"You've been here less than a month and you're already leaving, not fair."Alice my younger sister complained as she stood at the door of my room for watching me pack.

"Did mom make you say that?"I asked looking up to see her grinning at me.

"Thought I was getting better at lying, seems not."She replied letting herself in and propping herself on my bed.

Alice was beautiful with long dark hair, brown eyes and a tall slim build. Growing up with me as her only company led her to becoming a sort of tomboy but she seemed to love and embrace it. She was wicked smart and like a very small percentage of the population, actually liked studying. I was proud to have her as my baby sister.

"You're always glad when I leave so you can have moms attention all to yourself and don't you deny it."I pointed out and she scowled at me.

"I wasn't going to deny it. When you're here she dots on you and forgets me. If she could she would chew up your food and feed you like a baby bird."Alice whined and I laughed.

"That's not true and you know it. I'm just gone a lot so she overcompensates when I'm around."I reasoned and she rolled her eyes at me.

"I did not come here for you to water down things for me so please shut up."She demanded with a shove.

She wanted me to shove her back so we could get into a small fight, her way of saying goodbye but I had other ideas. I pulled her into my arms for a hug and didn't let go even when she struggled. She eventually settled down and hugged me back.

"I'll miss you too Alice."I whispered in her ear and her hold got a little tighter but only for a minute.

"Let me go before you turn me into a wimp like you. Having a girlfriend has made you soft."She claimed making me flick her off.

I had told my mother and sister about Pierra the first night I got home from Lodwar. They had both been thrilled as in my twenty three years of life I'd never really talked about having a girl in my life.

"No it's hasn't."I denied but it still left me wondering if her statement had some truth to it.

"Yes it has. She's pretty by the way and I can't wait to meet her that's if you don't mess things up and loose her."Alice rambled on and I turned my gaze to her

"Why would you assume that I am going to mess up?"I asked.

"Because you are a boy and boys tend to do stupid things, like loose really beautiful girls with an impeccable fashion sense and the perfect brown eyes."My sister gushed on and I chuckled.

"Stop fan girling over my girlfriend, she's too old for you and why can't she be the one to mess up and loose me."I countered.

Alice got up and headed towards the door but turned back last minute to answer my question.

"First of all how can I not fan girl, your girlfriend is the literal definition of perfection, still baffles me how she fell into your trap. Second you see how in every relationship no matter how much they love each other one person is the one who settled, that person in this case is Pierra. But it just shows that you love her more than she loves you and that to me is the perfect relationship. It shows you will do anything to keep her and she will never do anything to screw up with a guy who treats her right."She concluded before giving me a mock salute and disappearing out of sight.

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