Chapter Twenty Seven

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Cover uptop is by NeymorhNderitu. Thanks love for the wonderful cover.


The guys had just sent the waitress away to get them another round of drinks when my phone rang. I checked to see who was calling and it was Whitney. My brows furrowed in confusion wondering why she was calling me as we never talked. We might have grown closer during the family trip but it didn't make us best friends. We were just civil with each other. It was probably Bishop calling me from her phone so I excused myself from the group to go pick the call. The guys were too loud for me to talk in their presence.

I answered the phone before she could hang up"Hello?"

"Pierra?"Whitney's voice called out and it sounded like she was crying.

I immediately went into defense mode hoping she wasn't calling me to talk about her relationship problems with my brother. We were definitely not that close so whatever had happened to them I would not intervene. They would have to deal with it like adults.

"What's up Whitney? Why are you crying?"I asked.

That question seemed to make it worse as she broke into heavier sobs making me freak out.

I didn't have any close girlfriends so I had no idea what to do in such a situation. How do you console a moping girl?

"Hush now Whitney? What's wrong? Is it Bishop? What did he do?"I asked breaking my own rule about intervening.

The poor girl just broke down harder so I consoled her best I could letting her cry it out until she calmed down enough to tell me why she was crying. Finally after a few minutes her sobs reduced to hiccups before she was finally able to string a coherent statement.

"Bishop got (hiccup) into an accident(hiccup)and is at the hospital(hiccup)."She rambled out face and I froze immediately.

"What?"I snapped unable to say anything else.

Whitney composed herself so that her next statement was fluent and hiccup free. My brain refused to register what my ears were hearing.

"He got into a fight with some really bad people and was terribly injured. He's at the hospital right now and its really bad Pierra."She chocked out.

I felt my throat clog up with emotion and the overwhelming urge to cry. I took a few calming breaths pacing the quiet verandah I had run off to. I tried to lock out all negative images out of my head but Bishop lying dead in a pool of his own blood sneaked it's way into my brain and I pinched my nose to keep it out.

"Pierra you there?"Whitney asked and I nodded until I realized that she couldn't see me.

"Yeah."I croaked out.

I cleared my voice before continuing to talk. "Text me the details what hospital you're in and I'll be there as soon as possible."I informed her.

"Okay."She confirmed and I hung the call my arm dropping heavily to my side.

I tried to hold them in, I really did but the tears dripped from my eyes and fell over my dry cheeks. That's what I got for not applying lotion on my skin after I took a shower when I was done swimming. How could I be worried about the state of my skin when my brother was fighting for his life. Whitney said it was bad and by the state of her she was not exaggerating. I didn't want to think anything terrible just yet but I couldn't help it. Bishop was my big brother, who even though was a royal pain in the ass most of the time, I loved him with all my heart. I didn't want to loose my brother.

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