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"Remind me again why we had to wait until the third trimester to do this?"Pierra lamented.

She was munching on a packet of corn puffs that was perfectly balanced on top of her round stomach.

Ten years later and some things never changed. She was still addicted to those corn snacks but since she was pregnant she ate them in the most odd combination. At the moment she had a jar of peanut butter next to her that she used to dip the corn puffs before she ate them. That combination was not bad at the moment because before she'd had some pretty disgusting ideas.

"I don't know why you're complaining, I'm the one doing all the work."I retorted as I continued arranging the sunflowers on the floor.

"You wanted the photoshoot not me."She grumbled.

"Yes I did yet when the pictures actually come out you'll be cooing at them and taking all the credit."I countered.

"Do you really want to get into this argument with me, especially when I'm carrying your third child?"Ivy challenged her eyes narrowed at me.

I'd had practice with pregnant Pierra before so I knew how to pick my battles and avoid falling into her traps.

"No of course not love."I apologized even though I had done nothing wrong.

She beamed and resumed enjoying her snack.

Pierra and I got married six months after I proposed. It was a small wedding with only our family and friends as we both had a small circle. Getting married in Kenya in your early twenties was considered premature but Pierra and I didn't care. We were soulmates and knew we were it for each other. Pierra and I didn't want to settle down so young so even if we were married we travelled the world for three years. I got contracts from different companies worldwide for advertising work and also fashion contracts. Pierra tagged along while still doing her ambassador work once in a while.

It had been a thrilling three years until Pierra got pregnant with our first child and we both knew we had to settle down. We bought a house, a car and at twenty six, Pierra gave birth to our first bundle of joy Aaron. Three years after Aaron was born we had our little girl,Hazel. Pierra was currently pregnant with another little girl and would be popping anytime soon. I loved our first two kids with all my heart and couldn't wait to meet our third one so I could shower them with all the love I had to give.

"Andre?"Pierra called out stirring me from my reverie.

"Yes love."I replied looking up.

"I can't sit like this anymore, help."She requested holding out her hands.

I smiled as I got up to help her. I lifted her up and straightened her outfit.

She was wearing a yellow bra and matching panties with a sheer yellow cover that flowed from her shoulders to her feet. She was breathtaking as always.

"This is our last kid."Pierra declared as she popped her muscles after sitting for too long.

I just smiled and nodded. "Okay love."

"Why do I feel like you're just agreeing with me for the sake?"She asked eyes narrowed at me.

"Because that's what you said last time while pregnant with Hazel until you got baby fever."I replied.

"I saw cute baby things at the mall and wanted one. Why didn't you stop me?"She whined walking around probably to relieve her sore legs.

"I like you pregnant, you're soft, round and extremely horny."I answered with a grin.

The Purple Backpack ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora