Chapter Twenty Six

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"Chocolate ice cream tastes disgusting."Pierra commented her face scrunched up in disgust.

"That's why it's for me and not for you."I replied taking the ice-cream tub from her hands and digging in.

"You're the only guy I know that actually loves chocolate."She retorted picking up her vanilla and strawberry ice cream tub.

"And you're the only girl I know that actually hates chocolate."I countered and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Look at us being the perfect couple. We have to balance each other out otherwise we would always be fighting over then last piece."She rationalized and I had to agree with her.

We did make a perfect couple, always complimenting each other and filling in the gaps.

We were currently at Ned's tattoo parlor cuddling on the couch as we ate ice cream. I had actually been working, a girl wanted a vine made of her getting her first tattoo when Pierra texted. She asked me what I was doing and what my favorite ice cream flavor was. Thirty minutes later I was done working when she arrived with the ice cream. It had started melting so instead of heading over back to my place we started on it right at the tattoo parlor.

"Guys it's only ten o'clock in the morning and you're having ice cream."Ned commented as he came from the back with a happy customer in tow.

Ned was really good at what he did, my ivy vine tattoo was enough testament of that.

"Haven't you heard of dessert for breakfast?"Ivy asked and Ned shook his head at us.

"You're a bad influence on him."Ned said and Ivy sat up holding her hand to her chest.

"You take that back."She demanded forcefully but you could tell she was only joking.

"Jeez sorry, you're the best influence on him."Ned corrected and Ivy nodded.

"Damn right I am. Right baby?"She asked turning to look at me.

"Of course babe."I replied and she grinned quickly pecking my lips before cuddling back to my side and picking up her ice cream once more.

Ned made a whipping sound with his mouth before chuckling and heading back to his work. So what if I was whipped? It was the best feeling in the world to have someone who loved me as much as I loved them.

My relationship with Pierra had grown exponentially ever since we confessed our love for each other and had sex for the first time. It was great, mind-blowing, amazing, fantastic and all other big words that described just how good sex with Pierra was. I thought that our heavy make out sessions and pleasuring each other orally was as good as it could get but I had been so wrong. Pierra's body was made for me and the freak in her made sex with her phenomenal. She was always ready to try out new things and she was so freakishly flexible yet for some reason broke a sweat climbing stairs but when it came to sex we could go at it for more than an hour at a time.

The door opened and my friends walked in making noise as usual.

"If it isn't our favorite celebrity couple."Cliff commented when they noticed us.

It was a sarcastic compliment as they always liked to tease me how I was dating a celebrity as Pierra was a famous influencer. You wouldn't even know that Pierra had such a huge following online with how humble she was.

"Ah, the three musketeers. Nice to see you guys still follow each other around like ants."Pierra retorted and I snorted a laugh.

"You've gotta stop calling us that."Alfred defended taking a seat on one of the stools in the waiting bay.

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