Chapter 3: Olivia

Comincia dall'inizio

Dan and I talk until Clint had finished what he needed to do. In all fairness to him, Dan took it a lot better than I would have done.

"You're free to go. You can't work for the next couple days and make sure you come back every morning and night so we can change your bandage. Oh, and try try not to do anything stupid in the future," Jeff said, an unimpressed tone in his voice when he said the last bit.

"I make no promises." Dan laughed as he jogged away.

"Sorry that got a bit gruesome, Olivia," Clint apologised.

"Nah don't worry about it," I said as I put all the stuff back to save the boys having to do it.

About half an hour later, another Slicer came with the same problem as Dan. I comforted him in the same way as I did Dan, and he left once he was given the all-clear.

"We never usually have two sliced hands this close together," Jeff stated, confused.

"Yeah and we never usually have a girl with us either," Clint pointed out as he glanced at me.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows. What could me being here have any impact on the injury rates? It made no sense.

"Guaranteed, Dan has told everyone you're in here today so the boys will purposely hurt themselves so they get to see you," Clint explained, a slight look of sympathy for me in his eyes.

"Great," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

Another hour passed. Jeff said there have been considerably more boys needing medical attention today than any other day, and I was beginning to wonder if Clint was right. Either it was one hell of a coincidence, or these boys were extremely desperate (which is a bit pathetic if you ask me).

Alby poked his head through the door to the Medshack just as I was packing up some things.

"Clint? Jeff? Can I speak to you?" Alby questioned in a way that everyone knows it wasn't a request.

"You alright sorting out the rest of this and any boys that come in?" Jeff casted his gaze at me.

"Of course yeah! See you in a bit." They left.

Not long after, Gally walked in with a nasty looking cut on his arm.

"What happened to you?" I asked in shock, my eyes wide.

"An axe happened, if you must know."

"Yeah. I actually do need to know so I can help you. It is my temporary job after all." I was quite proud to be doing this work. Even though I had been doing it for a measly few hours, it was rewarding work.

"There's no way I'm letting you sort this out. Where are Clint and Jeff?" Gally whined like a little child.

"Alby needed them. I don't know how long they will be. I'm afraid I'll have to do." I gathered the necessary things to help Gally then pulled up a chair to be next to him.

"I'd rather wait, thanks," he replied gruffly.

"You've got no choice Gally. Now sit on the bed," I ordered. With some mumbling, he eventually - and albeit reluctantly - did and I took hold of his arm.

I started cleaning the cut as gently (kinda) as I could. I'd sorted out a couple boys already and scrutinised Clint and Jeff as they worked, so I pretty much knew what I was doing.

"OW! Can you be more gentle?" Gally complained, only making me want to be rougher with him.

"Oh, stop being such a baby. And stop moving your arm," I scolded. I got a firmer grip on him and went slightly gentler. Soon, I'd finished bandaging him.

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