|89| Mr. Sherman, Seventh Year

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1st of September, 1977

Riley tried to block out the noise on platform 9 3/4. As usual, another first day of the school year caused the platform to be filled with people. Nevertheless, Riley couldn't help but notice there being fewer people crumpled. Many fewer little kids, more older students.

"Riley!" called a voice. Riley turned around, seeing the black-haired boy running towards her. It was Ralph. Riley smiled widely as she saw the boy, flinging her arms around his neck.

"I missed you!" she said as Ralph hugged back. After returning back from the trip they took, Riley had written dozens of letters to Ralph, awaiting an answer. On the contrary, she had only gotten two or three replies.

"I'm sorry I didn't reply back to your letters often," said Ralph. "They reached me late for some reason."

"Oh, that okay," said Riley, still unconvinced. A sharp voice caught their attention.

"Ralph! I said, Ralph!" yelled a voice. Ralph quickly turned in terror. It was no other than Mr. Sherman. He had a stern look on his face, he looked terrifying. "Stay away from — them! You know what will happen if you don't!" he screamed from the other side of the platform.

"Oh — I —" stuttered Ralph quietly as he took a couple of steps back. "Bye, Dad!" he said instead.

"Did you get it, Ralph?!" the man screamed once more. "Stay away from them! And this is an order! You stupid boy!"

"I — I have to go, Dad," said Ralph in fear as he ran to the open door of the train. Riley followed her.

"RALPH!" screamed the man again. "IDIOT!"

They got on the train, Ralph breathed heavily. Riley noticed his hands now forming fists out of frustration. He had a troubled look on his face.

"Sorry about that..." he said quietly.

"Ralph, are you all right?" asked Riley concernedly. She put her hand on his shoulder.

"Wha — me? Yeah. It was nothing, he likes getting mad for no reason sometimes," he said as he blinked a few times.

"For no reason?" asked Riley.

"Yeah." Ralph looked up and smiled. "I have to go."

"Ralph — wait," said Riley but the boy had already left to the other side of the train without looking back. She sighed to herself and starting walking to the usual compartment of theirs. The other four of the Marauders were already sitting there.

"Hello!" said Sirius cheerfully as he saw Riley enter.

"Hi," she said back and sat next to James.

"Guess what happened!" said James as he smiled greatly. "You won't believe it!"

"What happened?" asked Riley. "You decided to quit quidditch?"

"What — no! That will never ever happen as long as I'm alive!" said James. "I'm the head boy!"

"You're — I'm sorry you're what?!" asked Riley in shock. "Is this a joke?!"

"Nope!" said James. "Now bow down to the new head boy!" Remus threw a book at James' head. James winced in pain as he rubbed his forehead.

"What the fuck, Moony?!" shouted James.

"We'll definitely lose the House Cup this year," said Remus. "If you're the head boy, then it directly means us losing fifty points per day, right?"

"Yeah, he's got a point," said Peter. "But this also means us getting away with pranks easier!"

Peter looked a lot more different than the last time Riley had seen him. He looked taller, thinner. His hair looked the same shade of blonde, his eyes were more visible and brighter. Remus's hair had grown a bit messier, making James jealous.

Riley wasn't thinking about James being the new head boy. She was sure Lily was chosen as the head girl. She didn't waste much time thinking about it. She tried to understand what Mr. Sherman implied by them. Who were they?


Lily was showing off her "head girl" badge to everyone around her. It shone on her pale hands, making some annoyed, some proud. James was sitting close to Lily, he had his arm around her. They looked happy.

Dumbledore cut his speech short this year. There were fewer first-years to sort into houses. However, Dumbledore tapped his finger on the table a couple of times, making a noise much louder than it would non-magically. Everyone looked back to the old man who stood up once again.

"Sorry, everyone. I almost forgot about our new student who will be joining Hogwarts this year to the sixth years. She's coming from Ilvermorny, as you know, it's the American wizarding school. We'll be sorting her into a house. Now, welcome Lena Thatcher!"

Everyone turned around to spot the girl. Riley wondered why there was a new student joining and beginning from the sixth year.

A girl stood shyly from the corner. She had brown hair, was of average height. She had pale skin and dark brown hair. She looked around for a bit and then walked over to the stool and McGonagall placed the hat on her head.

"I know exactly where to put you," said the hat mysteriously. "Without a doubt, it's clear where you should end up. Better be... GRYFFINDOR!"

A few Gryffindors clapped, the girl looked rather nervous and walked over to the Gryffindor table. She sat just a few seats away from Riley.

"Now let the feast begin!" announced Dumbledore.

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