|82| Hospital Wing, Sixth Year

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The Gryffindor quidditch team was standing around one hospital bed. Felicity was still not awake after that fall. Madam Pomfrey was pacing around the hospital wing, trying to keep up with everything. Riley wasn't standing up like the rest. She was in fact sitting on the hospital bed next to Felicity's. Her arm was broken once again, thanks to Avery's unnecessary attack. Her arm was now wrapped with a tight bandage.

"What happened to Black anyways?" asked Jerome Pough. "How did he not catch the snitch after she fell?"

"We still won," said Aidan. "Doesn't matter."

"He must be really stupid then," said Violet. "Or Felicity is just a good player."

"She is," said James. "But it's a bit weird. He wasn't even injured. Or the weather wasn't bad either."

"She'll wake up eventually..." said Kyle. "I'm leavin'."

Kyle left the hospital wing and new people started to come in. Some more Gryffindor students, mostly seventh years. Riley assumed they were friends of Felicity's. And there were three other people; Remus, Sirius, and Peter.

"What the hell happened here?" asked Peter confusedly, looking at Felicity.

"She fell off her broom, didn't you see?" said Sirius with an eye-roll.

"I wasn't watching the game, you guys dragged me out there," said Peter.

"Will you two stop bickering?!" said Remus suddenly. "You're giving me a headache."

"Thanks a lot, Pete, for the support..." said Riley flatly.

Suddenly, Madam Pomfrey broke into the crowd and reached out to her wand. She then went next to Riley and quickly pointed her wand at her arm. Riley tried to understand what she was doing and tried to stop her.

"Wha— URGH!" she yelled in pain. A 'crack' sound came from her arm. "I thought it was healed!"

"No, Miss Spade," said Pomfrey. "You weren't going to let me do it if I had told you."

Riley glared at the woman who now disappeared away from the chaotic environment. Riley walked over to the rest of the team standing. Sirius sat where Riley was sitting before, talking to Remus who was trying to push him off so that he could sit.

"She's waking up!" said Violet. Everyone looked at the girl once more. She was blinking, trying to get her eyes used to the bright light.

"Wh— what happened?" she asked weakly.

"You almost died," said Aidan calmly. Riley didn't notice how she nodded to that statement.

"You fell off your broom is what happened," said James. "Right after you caught the snitch."

"Oh yeah," said Felicity. "I remember that. I don't know how I fell, that part's a bit blurry."

"You fell, you weren't drunk," said Aidan once more. Riley chuckled as James shot them a look. Aidan was a good quidditch player and nearly had the same attitude as Riley; not sugarcoating anything.

"You really proved yourself out there, you brought us a win even though you fell," said James as he tried to diffuse the tension. "We don't know how Regulus didn't get the snitch before you."

"Oh, he tried to push me away to catch it but I think I tried to push him off his broom then," said Felicity.

"Isn't that against the rules?" asked Violet.

"Dunno," said Felicity vaguely. "But I couldn't, so I fell off instead. That's all I remember."

"So it's not that blurry then—" said Aidan but Madam Pomfrey came once again.

"This is not the Great Hall, it's the hospital wing! I won't have fifteen people huddled up in one space!" she said angrily. Everyone except a few people left all at once, including the Marauders.

"Not you Miss Spade!" said Madam Pomfrey sharply as she noticed the girl trying to sneak out. Riley sighed and turned around. "You need to stay for just a bit more!"

"I'm fine, I swear I'm fine," said Riley. "Look, I can easily move my arm," she said. She tried getting it straight but then cried in pain.

"That doesn't look fine to me," said Pomfrey. Riley sat on the same bed as she just stared around the room. It was just Felicity and her two friends in the hospital wing along with Madam Pomfrey and Riley. Not even James, Sirius, Remus, or Peter was there. She then felt someone poking her shoulder and turned around.

"Holy sh—" she muttered. It was Ralph standing there, smiling. "You scared me!"

"I didn't think it would scare you. Aren't you a Gryffindor, I thought you were brave!" said Ralph teasingly.

"Yeah, I'm brave to use new hexes on Slytherins," she replied quietly. Ralph sat beside her.

"Congratulations by the way," he said. "You really are a good player, but you seemed pretty mad at Avery..."

"That was just not necessary!" said Riley. "He didn't need to hit the bludger in my way," she said. "And my arm is broken, for the third time or so."

Riley didn't understand how time passed so quickly. She thought she would get bored to death, waiting for Madam Pomfrey to let her out of the hospital wing. Instead, she wished it had been a bit longer. She didn't think Ralph would talk to the rival team after a game of quidditch. The boy surprised Riley each time, making her forget he was a Slytherin after all. She knew not all of them would turn out to be death eaters, but she couldn't forget the past so easily.

"Miss Spade, you're free to go," said Pomfrey. Riley stood up, along with Ralph. They walked up until the big doors of the wing.

"What's the time?" asked Riley.

"I suppose it's six o'clock or something," said Ralph. "D'you have any plans?"

"I better go to the common room," she said softly. "I'm assuming they are celebrating the win."

"So, next weekend?" said Ralph. "Honestly, waiting 'till Saturday is a bit difficult."

Riley didn't know what to say. She smiled, and then it turned into a small laugh. She felt her heart beating fast, her cheeks going red.

"Er— Bye, I guess," she said softly, she turned around and took a step forwards to go to the common room. But she felt an arm on her shoulder, pulling her back where they were.

Riley looked at Ralph's face. And she felt her heart skip a beat. Ralph leaned towards her, pressing his lips against hers.

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